仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Fire and Ice

2024年03月08日 | ★STARRY★

Two weeks ago, we had a long weekend and I had a chance to visit Tokyo. When I arrived in Tokyo. I had a glimpse of Japan`s famous and sacred volcano, Mt. Fuji. I've been living in Japan for almost 6 years and it`s my first time seeing Mt. Fuji far away from its real location with its snowcap.

I realized that Mt. Fuji has the same symmetrical shape as the volcano in the Philippines which is Mt. Mayon. Mt. Mayon and Mt. Fuji are like the “fire and ice” of the volcano family.  The two volcanoes have a significant resemblance. Both volcanoes are popular for their virtually perfect cone shape. Also, as we are going to look at these two volcanoes, ice is for Mt. Fuji because it has a beautiful snowcap on top covered nearly all year long. The fire is for Mt. Mayon due to its iconic cone shape fiercely spewing `fire` lava at the top.

All I can say is that these volcanoes have the same image but have very different characteristics. But, both of them are respected, and protected by the people and it is the famous icons of Japan and the Philippines.





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