仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!


2024年03月15日 | ★STARRY★

This week is our final rehearsal for our student's Speech presentation. They worked hard for this speech event. They created their own topic, decided which topic was the best for their speech, brainstormed, and wrote what topic they decided on.

One school year is coming to an end. I want to say to all our students `KUDOS` (means praise given for achievement). It`s a job well done. I`m happy that I saw their growth not only in studying English but also in their character development. Some of them started from zero English and in just 1 year, they can speak English, write,  read consonants, vowels, and consonants, and magic E`s. 

Now, they are going to challenge themselves to perform in front of their classmate and parents next week for their Speech Presentation. They practiced reading, memorizing, and doing their gestures to make their speech presentation presentable.  

To our students,FIGHT! LET`S DO OUR BEST!


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