

療養日記・心臓(その2) / Recuperation Diary: Heart(part 2)

2024-07-28 13:44:17 | 日記

『 原因 / Causes 』

心房細動の原因は自律神経の乱れだが、その自律神経の乱れの原因には、心因性ストレスやオーバーワーク、不眠や過度のカフェインがある様だ。これには全く異論は無い。通常の仕事以外に NPO法人の仕事もこなしていたので、一週間に軽く70時間以上、30年近く行なってきた自覚はある。また、イベント開催時には睡眠時間を充分にとれない事は当たり前だし、眠気を覚ますブラックコーヒーは必需品だったからだ。

思い返してみれば、身体の異常に最初に気付いたのは 1998年か 1999年頃、年間に 40回以上のイベントを企画して開催・運営していた頃だった。動悸や眩暈(めまい)はそれまでにもあったが、「疲れているかな?」で済ましていたが、タイムトライアルの最中だけに「視覚異常」が現れる様になったのだ。 走行中にコースやパイロンが 二重にずれて見えてしまうので、片目で走ってしまう事も少なくなかった。きっと、脳への血流不足が原因か、或いは「血栓」の影響があったかも知れない。

The causes of autonomic nervous system disorders seem to be psychological stress, overwork, insomnia, and excessive caffeine. I have no objection to this. In addition to my regular job, I also worked for an NPO, so I was aware that I had been doing this for over 70 hours a week for nearly 30 years. Also, it was natural that I couldn't get enough sleep during events, and black coffee was a necessity to wake me up. 

Looking back, I realized that something was wrong with my body around 1998 or 1999, when I was planning, hosting, and running over 40 events a year. I had palpitations and dizziness before, but I would just dismiss it as "tired?", but I started to experience "visual abnormalities" only during time trials. The course and pylons would appear doubled while I was running, so I would often ride with one eye. Perhaps it was due to a lack of blood flow to the brain, or perhaps a blood clot had played a part.

『 療養という選択 / The Choice of Recuperation 』

心臓外科手術や投薬という選択肢もあった。しかし、手術は制御系の一部をレーザーで壊してしまう方法だ。制御系に何らかの目的で自然に備わっている機能を破壊するのは気が進まない。また。投薬は身体の他の部位に負担をかけて不調の原因になる。実際、入院の後半、夜間に両脚が激しい痙攣(けいれん)を起こす様になり、担当医に伝えても処方箋の内容に大きな変更は無く、後日、自宅に戻ってから、服用している時にも夜間に激しい痙攣に襲われ、それをなだめる為に起きていた最中、突然、失神・転倒して頭部や膝を強く打撲してしまったほどだ。また、退院の日にも、「検査の結果では、数値は全く異常はありませんよ」という医師の言葉で送り出されたが、病院を出て 30分も経たない内に色覚異常を含む視覚異常が現れ、大幅に血圧が下がったのか、全く動けなくなり、街角で 1時間近く うずくまってしまった。これが医療の限界だろう。

だから、自律神経は温存したまま、生活を変える事で、自らの制御機能を回復させる “療養” という選択肢を選ぶ事を決意した。 ただし、身体が受けたダメージからの回復には、そのダメージに至った期間よりも長い期間が必要になる事は当たり前の事。だから、今も定期的に訪れる「心房細動」の発作の頻度やレベルを抑えるだけを目的とせず、長年の間に身体が受けてきた筈のダメージを回復させる事が僕の務めだと思っている。

Heart surgery and medication were also options. However, surgery would destroy part of the control system with a laser. I was reluctant to destroy the functions that the control system naturally has for some purpose. Also, medication would put a strain on other parts of the body and cause illness. In fact, during the latter half of my hospitalization, both of my legs began to have severe cramps at night, and even when I told my doctor, there was no significant change in the prescription. Later, when I returned home and was taking the medication, I was attacked by severe cramps at night, and while I was awake to calm them down, I suddenly fainted and fell, severely bruising my head and knees. Also, on the day I was discharged, the doctor told me, "The results of the test show that there are no abnormalities at all," but within 30 minutes of leaving the hospital, I developed visual abnormalities, including color vision abnormalities, and perhaps because my blood pressure had dropped significantly, I was unable to move at all and ended up curled up on a street corner for nearly an hour. This is probably the limit of medical care.

So I decided to choose the option of "recuperation" to restore my self-regulating function by changing my lifestyle while preserving my autonomic nerves. However, it goes without saying that it takes longer to recover from damage that has been done to the body than it took to cause that damage. So, rather than just aiming to suppress the frequency and severity of my periodic attacks of "atrial fibrillation," I believe that my duty is to restore the damage that my body must have sustained over the years.

療養日記・心臓(その1) / Recuperation Diary: Heart(part 1)

2024-07-27 22:01:58 | 日記

『 自律神経 / Autonomic Nervous System 』


In May 2023, I was told at the hospital where I was admitted that I had “heart failure” due to “atrial fibrillation. I later learned that it was a symptom of a large increase in the heart rate due to the control system (autonomic nervous system) that controls the heartbeat and heart movement. However, a large increase in heart rate for a short period of time is not abnormal, and is a natural symptom called “arrhythmia” or “palpitations,” which everyone experiences several times during the course of a day. However, it is “atrial fibrillation” that lasts for a long time and causes various physical medical conditions.

『 心房細動 / Atrial Fibrillation 』

心臓は筋肉によって動いているポンプだ。しかも 4つのポンプが一体になっている。そして、制御系(自律神経)の電気信号で 4つのポンプは同時に拍動する仕組みになっているが、時々、その制御がシンクロせず、心房(心臓の上部にある部屋・ポンプ)が暴走し続けるのが「心房細動」だと理解している。

実際、急遽入院して様々な検査の後、心拍数を抑える薬など 3種類の点滴投薬を 24時間体制で行なったにも関わらず、担当医は「脈がずっと 150を超えたままなのですよ」と言った。 が、僕の方は、入院して処置を受けた事で安心したのか、或いは、日頃から「心房細動」の不快感に慣れてしまっていたのか、気分は快調、すぐにでも退院したい気分も少しあった。しかし、担当医は「3週間の入院が必要です」と言った。

The heart is a pump that is powered by muscles. Moreover, it is made up of four pumps that are integrated together. The four pumps are designed to beat simultaneously by electrical signals from the control system (autonomic nerves), but sometimes the control does not synchronize and the atria (the chambers/pumps at the top of the heart) continue to run out of control, which is what I understand to be "atrial fibrillation."

『 浮腫と血栓 / Edema and Blood Clots

よく誤解を受けるが、「心拍数が上昇すると血の巡りも速い」とか「血圧も上がるでしょう」と言う人が居る。しかし、実際は全く逆だ。4つのポンプが一緒に動いて初めて 心臓は 1ストロークの働きをする。しかし、エンジンに例えると、吸排気バルブが 異常なタイミングで開閉すれば、まともにエンジンは動かないのと一緒で、4つのポンプの動きがシンクロしなければ、全身への血流が悪くなる。身体中に老廃物が溜まり、ムダ打ちしている心房の中では、血の塊 “血栓” が育つ事になる。 実際、レントゲン写真を見れば、肺の下部にはしっかりと水が溜まっていて、両脚には老廃物(水分)が溜まって、脚がGパンに通らない程に太く膨れ上がった「浮腫」になっていた。その上、心臓エコー映像を見れば、心房の中一杯の大きさに育った、大きな雪の結晶の様な形をした「血栓」があって、心拍に合わせて時計の歯車の様に小刻みに動いていた。これでは退院できないのも当然だった。

The heart only works one stroke when all four pumps work together. However, if the movement of each pump is not synchronized, blood flow will be poor. Waste products accumulate throughout the body, and blood clots (blood clots) will grow in the atria that are beating uselessly. In fact, an X-ray showed that water had accumulated in the lower part of the lungs, and waste products (water) had accumulated in both legs, causing edema that was so thick that the legs could not fit through jeans. Furthermore, an echocardiogram showed a large snowflake-shaped blood clot that had grown to fill the atrium, and was moving in small increments like a clock's gears in time with the heartbeat. It was no wonder that he could not be discharged from the hospital.

午前 4時32分 / 4:32 am

2024-07-25 05:40:02 | 日記

虫たちが目覚め始める 16分前
部屋の中に 月の光が差していた

生きている事に ありがとう

けっこう 面白い

16 minutes before the bugs started waking up
The moonlight was shining in the room

Right here on earth
At this moment

Thank you for being alive

Life is a journey.
It's quite interesting



赤穂で365日 / 365 days in AKO

2024-07-23 04:41:47 | 日記



A year has passed since I moved from Kobe to Ako (Sakoshi), and thanks to the beautiful natural environment and the support of the people, I am now slowly recovering from my once serious health condition. I have never felt the importance of health as much as I do now, and since then I have been making changes to my daily life to put my health first, which I believe will be a very good turning point for my future life.

In the coming year, my health will continue to be my number one priority, but I would like to take a new step forward even more than when I was in Kobe, and I believe that I will be able to lead an interesting future. I hope that your days from now will be more fulfilling than ever before. Please stay healthy and energetic every day.


全日本ジムカーナ選手権に想う / Thoughts on the All Japan Gymkhana Championship

2024-07-22 21:15:07 | 日記

公式Webサイト に 掲載しました。
It has been posted on the official website.
This is a perfect example of what gymkhana should be like.




現在、GRAとして、ジムカーナ競技の開催は行なっていませんが、いつか機会が来れば、改造レベルを抑えた車両で、初心者でも完走できる“おおらかな” 設定のコースで、純粋にライディング技術と車両のセットアップ技術を競い、一緒に楽しみたいと願っています。

Considering that motorcycles face more social prejudice than cars, and especially if they have license plates, we believe that the basic vehicle should be a normal vehicle in appearance and engine, etc.

Currently, GRA is not holding gymkhana competitions, but if the opportunity arises, we would like to compete purely in riding technique and vehicle setup technique on a course with a minimal level of modification and a "generous" setting that even beginners can complete, and have fun together.