English Collection



2024年04月09日 | 英単語
Jordan Akpojaro他2名の著者にる "Philosophy for Beginners" を借りました。実は "Philosophy" の本を読む気は毛頭もなく、"Psychology for Beginners" を予約したつもりでした。しかも手にした時に中学生程度を対象にした本だと分かりました。とりあえず読みます。

Why do philosophy?
No. Not every question is philosophical, but lots are especially question that challenge very basic ideas. Such as, what do the words 'good' and 'bad' really mean?
And how can you know if something is 'good' rather than 'bad', or even whether it matters either way?
It all sounds a bit fiddly, and rather difficult.

中学生程度を対象と言っても、母国語ではないので余り馴染みのない単語が出てきます。 "fiddly" がそうです。

・Oxford English Dictionary: difficult to do or use because small objects are involved: Zips are less fiddly than buttons.
・Collins Dictionary: Something that is fiddly is difficult to do or use because it involves small or complicated objects.: It was a time-consuming and fiddly job.
・Merriam-Webster: requiring close attention to detail: FUSSY: especially: requiring an annoying amount of close attention the tiny control buttons on the back are fiddly

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