English Collection


put out

2019年10月01日 | 英語の原書を読む
"put out" は慣用句で「消す」意味となる事を大昔に習いましたが、松本清張の小説 THE VOICE(このVOICEは人の声を聴き分ける並外れた元電話のオペレータが偶然電話で耳にした殺人犯人の声を意味しています。)に出てきた次の "put out" は違う意味で使われています。
"Don't get impatient or you'll wind up losing. He'll be here before long." Kawai, with his tiny eyes and thin lips, was trying to be encouraging; but, in face, he was also getting irritated.
"What on earth could have happened?" Shigeo looked put out.
・Macmillan Dictionary: annoyed, offended, or upset by something that someone has said or done: She was feeling extremely put out by his rudeness.

・Collins Dictionary: If you feel put out, you feel rather annoyed or upset.: I did not blame him for feeling put out.
・Wiktionary: Taking offense; indignant.: He was put out at the mere suggestion of misconduct.
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