English Collection



2012年08月25日 | 英語学習
DIPLOMACY Memories & Visionsを読んでいます。
In another imbroglio, President Obama, seeing his proposed envoy to Caracas rejected by the Venezuelan Government, retaliated by revoking the visa of the serving Venezuelan Ambassador to Wasington. Here again I am not discussing the merits or demerits of the arguments on both sides. What has to be underlined is the fact that the whole framework of relations between these countries is bound to be profoundly effected by the political vacuum in both capitals at the ambassadorial level.
"imbroglio"、また難しそうな単語が出て来ました。研究社の現代英和辞典を見ると、"imbroglio" 複雑な話、筋、紛糾と説明がありました。退院後に英英辞書の説明も読みたい。
さて、手術の当日、手術後は本を読む時間がたっぷりあったので 、DIPLOMACY Memories & Visions も読み終えてしまい、次に In Celebration of the 140th Anniersary of the Asiatic Society of Japanを読むことにしました。

退院後に "imbroglio" の説明をV2 Vocabulary Building Dictionaryで調べました。
Definition: a complicated, sometimes emotionally charged, situation involving intrigue and misunderstanding
Tips: Imbroglio comes from the Italian imbrogliare, "to mix up." Think of something mixed up and tangled. Imbroglios often result from mix-ups, mishaps, and misunderstandings.
なるほど、mixed upの意味がある事を一緒に覚えれば良いのですね。
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