English Collection


uncalled for

2018年07月24日 | 英単語
Miyuki MiyabeのShadow Familyを読んでいます。
"It's gone like clockwork. Surprising how readable they are after all. Kids today."
"That's because when all's said and done, they're still kids."
Tokunaga did not answer.
"That was uncalled for. Sorry."
"Forget it. The main thing is, don't let down your guard."
"uncalled for" は植木等の台詞、「お呼びでない!」(古い!)を思い起こさせますが、ちょっとここではニュアンスが違うでしょうね。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (especially of a person's behavior) undesirable and unnecessary.: uncalled-for remarks
・Collins Dictionary: If you describe a remark or criticism as uncalled for, you mean that it should not have been made, because it was unkind or unfair.: I'm sorry. That was uncalled for.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: If a criticism, insult, remark, or action is uncalled-for, it is unfair, rude, or unkind and therefore considered to be unnecessary: There's no reason to make personal comments - that was completely uncalled-for.
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