Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? の舞台はMARTHAとNICKの二人だけになりました。MARTHAがNICKにキスを迫ってきます。
MARTHA: C'mon, baby ... a friendly kiss.
NICK [still unertain]: Well ...
MARTHA: ... you won't get hurt, little boy...,
NICK: ... not so little ...
MARTHA: I'll bet you're not. C'mon....
NICK [weakning]: But what if he should come back in, and ... or ...?
MARTHA [all the while her hand is moving up and down his leg]: George? Don't worry about him. Besides, who could object to a friendly little kiss? It's all in the faculty.
"friendly little kiss" は "It's all in the faculty." だそうですが、"faculty" の意味として "faculty meeting" 位しか思い浮かばないので辞書を見ます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: a natural physical or mental ability that most people have: be in full possession of your faculties (=have all the normal mental and physical abilities): Mrs. Findlay was in full possession of all her faculties.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: ?a natural ability to hear, see, think, move, etc: Even at the age of 100, she still had? all her faculties.: Is he in command/possession of? all his faculties (= ?Can he still hear, speak, see and think clearly)??
そうですか、それは西洋人にとってはIt's all in the faculty. とは説得力がありますね。
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