English Collection



2017年03月01日 | 英語の本を読む

EMOTIONAL FIRST AIDのCounterarguments for Romantic Rejectionsの項から引用します。
After twenty years as a psychologist in private practice, I've heard countless tales of romantic rejection both from those doing the rejecting and those getting the heave-ho. People reject romantic partners and prospects for many different reasons, most of which have nothing to do with anyone's shortcomings.
"heave-ho" は見慣れない表現です。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Expulsion or elimination from a job, institution, or contest.: After her high school sweetheart gives her the heave-ho, she pins her dreams of seeing the world on becoming a flight attendant.
・Collins Dictionary: dismissal, as from a position: chiefly in the phrase give (or get) the (old) heave-ho: Then she'd give him the old heave-ho, but of course, when I told him that, he got all pissy at me.
"heave-ho" は誰も望まないし、経験したくないのですが、長い人生にはありますね。

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