English Collection


get a load of that

2018年07月25日 | 英単語
Miyuki MiyabeのShadow Familyを読んでいます。
"Mr. Tokoroda accorded me special consideration as the 'Mom' in the family. That got to you, didn't it? It infuriated you that you weren't number one anymore."
Ritsuko elbowed Minoru, sitting next to her. "Get a load of that! Has she got a screw loose or what? Talk about deluded."

"Get a load of that" は如何にも口語的な表現ですね。意味・使用例を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Used to draw attention to someone or something.: get a load of what we've just done
・Collins Dictionary: pay attention to: Suddenly, he clamped his hand on Brian's leg and exclaimed: `Well, get a load of that, would you?
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to get a good look at someone or something. Wow! Get a load of that car! Get a load of Mary!
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