English Collection


my sign

2022年01月10日 | 英単語
Robert B.Parkerの "Valediction"を読んでいます。
Katie said she'd heard a lot about me. I said I hoped she didn't believe most of it. We ordered a round of drinks. Katie asked me what my sign was. Hawk made a funny noise, and put his hands over his mouth and coughed.
"Down the wrong tube," he said when he stopped coughing. His eyes were very bright.
"I don't really know my sign," I said.
"I'm Virgo," she said.

最初に "Katie asked me what my sign was." と出てきた時は "sign" が何を示しているのかさっぱり見当が付きませんでしたが、その後に "I'm Virgo" と出てきたので、"Virgo" が何の星座か分かりませんが、 "sign" は占星術の星座だと推測できました。辞書で確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (also zodiacal sign)Astrology Each of the twelve equal sections into which the zodiac is divided, named from the constellations formerly situated in each, and associated with successive periods of the year according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic.: a person born under the sign of Virgo

・Collins Dictionary: In astrology, a sign or a sign of the zodiac is one of the twelve areas into which the heavens are divided.: The New Moon takes place in your opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.

"zodiacal sign" なら直ぐに分かりますね。次の辞書には "birth sign" で説明がありました。

・Collins Dictionary: the sign of the zodiac through which the sun is passing when a person is born: What's your birth sign?

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