English Collection


Pigs snarf potluck

2014年10月05日 | 英語の本を読む

With marijuana legal in the US state of Washington, pot growers pondered how to profit from all the plant's leftover stems and roots. Meanwhile, local pig farmers were coping with expensive feed that cut into their bottom line. One farmer proposed a solution; combine the cheaper marijuana remnants with the feed, and serve it to the pigs.
It worked!
The surplus pot lowered pig farmers Susannah Gross's feed costs and produced another benefit: the munchies. Pigs that snarfed down the pot gained an extra 10kg to 13kg compared with hogs that didn't. Gross told Reuters, "They were eating more, as you can imagine."
Ref.: snarf: Eat or drink quickly or greedily: they snarfed up frozen yogurt (Oxford English Dictionary)

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