English Collection



2014年07月14日 | 英語学習
Edward O. WilsonのThe Creationを読んでいます。耳慣れない生物名が頻繁に出てきますが、小説とは異なり、話の進め方は理にかなっていて分かり易い。
Nature dies hard. Even in the parking lot extremum, notice the resilient little weed that peeps from a crack in the concrete, the tuft of grass holding on at the curb, the faint clorous span of the cyanobacterial colony plastered next to the ticket kiosk. Look closely for tiny creatures that thrive in their parsimonious midst: the mite, the nematode worm, the catapillar struggling to grow into a moth.
"parsimonious" とは何でしょう?
  ・Oxford English Dictionary: Unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal: 'parsimonious New Hampshire voters, who have a phobia about taxes’
・Cambridge English Dictionary: not willing to spend money or give something: She's too parsimonious to heat the house properly.: figurative I think that politicians are often rather parsimonious with the (= do not tell the complete) truth.
昨年 " parsimony" を取り上げたのを思い出しました。スペルの似ている "persimmon" は知っていますが、" parsimony" と "parsimonious" は中々覚えられません。柿の渋柿から渋ちん、そして "parsimony" を連想することにしよう。
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