English Collection



2018年01月03日 | 英語の本を読む
SFのThe Martian by Andy Weirを読んでいます。
And I had NASA telling me what to do every step of the way.
You should try to be more cool. Wear dark glasses and a leather jacket. Carry a switchblade. Aspire to a level of coolness known only as..."Botanist Cool."
"switchblade" は刃のついた工具の様ですが、一般的な工具なのでしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: A knife with a blade that springs out from the handle when a button is pressed. British term flick knife: He grabbed the switchblade from his back pocket as Carl got closer and closer.
・Collins Dictionary: A switchblade is a knife with a blade that is hidden in the handle and that springs out when a button is pressed.: I heard the rustle of movement, then the metallic snap of her switchblade flicking open.
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