English Collection



2014年04月14日 | 英語学習
"Diary of a Mad Old Man" を読んでいます。日記を書いている主人公の性癖が段々と分かってきます。
Even with a woman of bad character, though, her badness mustn't be obvious. The worse she is, the cleverer she has to be. That is indispensable. Of course there are limits; kleptomania or homicidal tendencies would be hard to put up with, yet I can't rule them out entirely.
"homicidal tendencies" とは穏やかではありませんが、"kleptomania" も悪い性質には違いありません。頭文字が "k" なのでギリシャ語あるいはドイツ語由来の気がしますがとうでしょう?
・Collins Dictionary: a strong impulse to steal, esp when there is no obvious motivation: De Niro's jacket fell open and two shirts fell out; taking Goldstone's directions literally, he'd given in to Mario's kleptomania.
Word Origin: C19: klepto- from Greek kleptes thief, from kleptein to steal + -mania
・Vocabulary.com: an irresistible impulse to steal in the absence of any economic motive
Kleptomania is an addiction to stealing. People with kleptomania can’t help but steal stuff, whether they need it or not.
The word kleptomania comes from the Greek word kleptes for "thief" and mania for “madness.” Pyromania makes people want to light everything on fire, and kleptomania makes people want to steal all the time. People who have kleptomania - kleptomaniacs - are crazy about stealing. Rich people can have kleptomania, which shows their stealing isn't for economic reasons. When you have kleptomania, the rush of stealing is similar to the rush of other addictions.
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