English Collection


palm off

2011年02月26日 | 英語学習
RD Dec., 2010の記事 "Seriously Cheap People" の文中にあった "palm off" なる表現はかなりユニークな表現と思います。
Speaking of food, when Ray Lesser was growing up, his mother and aunt, who lived down the street, struck a deal. "Every Tuesday," he says, "they would trade each other's surplus leftovers and palm them off on us kids as a whole new meal."
"palm off" は慣用句に違いありません。 そこで辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to dispose of usually by trickery or guile; Please stop trying to palm off your leftovers onto me.
・Dictionary.com: to dispose of by deception, trickery, or fraud; substitute (something) with intent to deceive: Someone had palmed off a forgery on the museum officials.
・Wiktionary: (idiomatic) To sell or dispose of (something) with the intent to deceive; to attempt to pass off a counterfeit or inferior product as genuine.
“Palming” an object (as in a playing card) is a type of sleight of hand, secretly removing the desired article and leaving only the undesired one.
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