English Collection


squirrel away

2013年04月22日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 3月号のFat Cellからの抜粋です。
The Body's opening a can of cola now as he digs in to his lunch: low-fat microwave lasagne. He's trying to cut back, shed a few kilos - and hey, if you're trying to lose weight, it makes sense to eat less fat. But have you ever tried lasagne without butter or oil? Tastes like cardboard. So there's extra salt and sugar added to compensate, and it's still easy for me to convert some of that sugar to fat and squirrel it away. He has no idea!
"squirrel" をこんな風に動詞として使われているのを読むのは初めてですが、リスが木の実を隠しておく習性があるのを思い出したのでここでの意味は直ぐに分かりました。でも一応辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: tr usually foll by away (informal) to store for future use; hoard:
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to store up for future use ?often used with away: squirrel away some money
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to hide or store something, especially money, in order to use it in the future: As soon as I get paid, I squirrel some money away so I won't be tempted to spend it.
・Vocabulary.com: A well-known characteristic of squirrels is gathering nuts and seeds to store for the winter: you can say they squirrel away that food. You can squirrel things away, too, like squirreling away money in your savings account to use later. If you find a great sale on snow boots in the middle of summer, you might take advantage of the bargain and squirrel those boots away for your trip to northern Canada in January.
実は上の引用文で気になったのは "squirrel" よりも "lasagne" の発音が方が気になりました。日本語ではラサーニアと言いますが、外来語なのでスペルからでは英語ではどのような発音なのか分かりません。Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionaryで確認すると、日本語と余りかわりませんね。日本語と違うのはアクセントが "sa" の個所にある位でしょうか。
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