Then Jim manned the oars, and we took out after our raft.
We hustled it on to the raft in a pile, and I told Jim to float along down, and show a light when he judged he had gone about two mile, and keep it burning till I come; then I manned my oars and shoved for the light.
辞書で引用文の例に近い "man" の用法・意味を探したのですがピッタリ当てはまるのはほとんど無く、次ぎの二つの辞書の例が多分近い説明でしょう。
・Encarta: be ready to use something: to be ready to operate or defend something
・SeaTalk Dictionary of English Nautical Language: To take up a duty position, as in: “Man the pump, and clear the bilge.”
Then Jim manned the oars, and we took out after our raft.
We hustled it on to the raft in a pile, and I told Jim to float along down, and show a light when he judged he had gone about two mile, and keep it burning till I come; then I manned my oars and shoved for the light.
辞書で引用文の例に近い "man" の用法・意味を探したのですがピッタリ当てはまるのはほとんど無く、次ぎの二つの辞書の例が多分近い説明でしょう。
・Encarta: be ready to use something: to be ready to operate or defend something
・SeaTalk Dictionary of English Nautical Language: To take up a duty position, as in: “Man the pump, and clear the bilge.”