English Collection


laterality and ambidextrousness

2023年09月04日 | 英単語
'50 Psychology Ideas You Really Need to Know' by Adrian Furnhamを読んでいます。
"Breaking up is hard to do" の章から引用します。

Strictly speaking laterality is about preference. We may be left or right eared, handed or footed. Overall, around 85-90 per cent people are right-handed and right-footed but the numbers drop of those who favour the right eye and ear. Animals also show preferences, and true ambidextrousness is very rare.

"laterality" は手でいうと右利きか左利きか、ですが、耳や目など他の器官にも左右の差があるのですね。 "laterality" の説明を辞書で見ます。

・Collins Dictionary: the difference in the mental functions controlled by the left and right cerebral hemispheres of the brain: A laterality test was performed on the whole sample.
・Vocabulary.com: superior development of one side of the body: Studies into laterality, or the preference for one side of their body over the other, in animal species is a relatively new field.

最後に出て来た "ambidextrousness" は "ambivalence" と "dextrous" から両手利きを示していると分かりますね。
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