English Collection



2022年04月18日 | 英単語
Kazuo Ishiguroの "Klara and the Sun" を読んでいます。
So basically, after Sal died from being lifted, Mother and Mr. Capaldi had tried to make a version of Sal but with different/less advanced technology, but it wasn’t a real duplicate of her, instead it was just a “doll”, and it didn’t want to be there. They seem to agree that experiment was a failure.

"lifted" の意味を調べます。
・Merriam-Webster: plastic surgery on a part of the body typically to improve a drooping or sagging appearance especially by reducing excess skin and fat

上記の辞書に整形手術の意味が載っていましたが、小説ではちょっと違う意味で使われている様なので他の辞書も見ましたが、適当な説明は見当たりませんでした。しかし、Wikipediaに "Klara and the Sun" の項目があり次の説明を見つけました。
The novel is set in a dystopian future in which some children are genetically engineered ("lifted") for enhanced academic ability.
Klara is chosen by 14-year-old Josie, who lives with her mother in a remote region of a prairie. Soon after joining them, Klara learns that the lifting process carries some risk: Josie's older sister Sal had earlier died, and Josie herself is gravely ill.
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