English Collection


A catalogue of errors

2022年04月30日 | 英単語
インターネットでBBC News April 26を見ていたら、知床の観光船事故のニュースが目に入りました。
What caused Japan's tourist boat tragedy?
A catalogue of errors appers to have led to the sinking of a boat carrying sightseers off northern Japan.
It's an old cliché, but an accurate one: disasters are not caused by a single mistake. Several things need to go wrong at the same time to cause a tragedy.
That appears to be exactly what happened on Saturday afternoon off the coast of Hokkaido in northern Japan.

"catalogue of errors" の意味は後に続く記事の内容で分かりますが、"catalogue" の単語をこの様に使うのは初めて知りました。
英英辞書で "catalogue" の説明を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: A series of unwelcome or unpleasant things.: ‘his life was a catalog of dismal failures’
・Collins Dictionary: A catalogue of similar things, especially bad things, is a number of them considered or discussed one after another.: His story is a catalogue of misfortune.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: A catalogue of unwanted events is a series of them: The whole holiday was a catalogue of disasters.

"catalogue of" と来たら、後に悪いことが続くのですね。
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