English Collection


batten down the hatches

2021年06月22日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 5月号の記事 "Don't Panic!" を読んでいます。
Speaking fast between sharp, quik breaths, Genie told those listening, "It has become obvious that the earthquake that struck Anchorage was a major one. A great deal of damage has been done throughout the city." She advised people to check their supplies and keep their doors closed to retain the heat in their homes since the temperature would be in the high 20s. "But, uh, now another thing," she continued. She was making it up as she went along, warning about as many hazards as she could remember from when she had dashed through downtown: Avoid tall buildings, which may still be susceptible to aftershocks; stay clear of power lines; stay put. And most of all, don't panic. "Check on your neighbors. See if they have transistor radios. If they don't, maybe they could move in with you and share one for the night. It seems like it's going to be a long, cold night for Anchorage, so prepare to batten down the hatches, and stay tuned to KENI."

"batten down the hatches" は 7/17/2015 に取り上げた表現で、フレーズとして覚えましたが、"batten" の意味を調べるのを忘れていたので今回辞書を見ました。

・Oxford English Dictionary: A long, flat strip of squared wood or metal used to hold something in place or as a fastening against a wall.: The horizontal timber battens of the south wall overlay profiled metal sheets, changing the scale of the wall and introducing shadow animation.
・Collins English Dictionary: A batten is a long strip of wood that is fixed to something to strengthen it or to hold it firm.: ...a batten to support the base timbers.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to fasten something by fixing pieces of wood onto it: The boxes were securely battened before the journey.

"batten" のこの意味を知っていれば "batten down the hatches" の意味も容易に推測できましたね。
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