English Collection


out of sorts

2021年06月30日 | 英単語
日本人作家の小説を英訳版で読むのは結構面白いのですが、現代作家の作品は村上春樹の作品を除き余りありません。(私の地元の図書館の蔵書としてです。) 私は全く聞いたことのない日本人作家のYoko Ogawa作品の英訳本が4冊もあることが分かり、読むことにしました。Yoko Ogawaは漢字で小川洋子で芥川賞を始め多くの賞を獲得したかなり有名な作家のようです。最初に読むのは "The Housekeeper and the Professor" で原書の題名は『博士の愛した数式』と英語の題名とは離れています。

On the sixth of May, at the end of the spring holidays, Root cut himself with a kitchen knife. The Professor did not take it well.
After the four-day break, I arrived at the Professor's house only to discover that the sink had been leaking and a puddle had spread into the hall. By the time I'd called to have the water shut off and hired a plumber to come in. I was probably a bit out of sorts, the Professor had seemed more remote than ever, and to matter how often I pointed out my picture among the tags on his coat, he seemed confused or oblivious.

"Root" は子供のニックネームです。
慣用句らしい "out of sorts" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: Slightly unwell.: She's been feeling nauseous and generally out of sorts.

・Collins Dictionary: If you are out of sorts, you feel slightly unwell, upset, or annoyed.: And I'll have a huge pang of regret and I'll be out of sorts for a few days and my friends will wonder what's up.

・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: In an irritable, grouchy, or unhappy mood; not feeling well or in good spirits.: I think something is bugging John, because he's been rather out of sorts lately.

さて今日は2回目のワクチンを受ける日です。個人的には少し安心できますね。"out of sorts" の正反対です。
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