English Collection



2021年05月17日 | 英単語
Isabella Birdの "Unbeaten Tracks in Japan" を読んでいます。

To-day’s journey, though very rough, has been rather pleasant. The rain moderated at noon, and I left Fujihara on foot, wearing my American “mountain dress’and Wellington boots,--the only costume in which ladies can enjoy pedestrian or pack-horse travelling in this country,--with a light straw mat--the waterproof of the region--hanging over my shoulders, and so we plodded on with two baggage horses through the ankle-deep mud, till the rain cleared off, the mountains looked through the mist, the augmented Kinugawa thundered below, and enjoyment became possible, even in my half-fed condition. Eventually I mounted a pack-saddle, and we crossed a spur of Takadayama at a height of 2100 feet on a well-devised series of zigzags, eight of which in one place could be seen one below another.

"spur" は拍車しか知らないので、辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: A projection from a mountain or mountain range.: it's an easy walk up the spur that leads to the summit
・Collins Dictionary: a range or ridge projecting in a lateral direction from the main mass of a mountain or mountain range
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a high piece of land that sticks out from a mountain or a group of mountains: Several spurs of hills run west- east from the main upland massif, increasing local topographical complexity by more or less dividing the lowlands into a series of semi-enclosed coastal basins.
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