English Collection


singular intelligence

2021年05月19日 | 英単語
Isabella Birdの "Unbeaten Tracks in Japan" を読んでいます。 旅先ではどこに行っても蚤に悩まされています。

At five Ito came and entreated me to leave, whimpering, “I’ve had no sleep; there are thousands and thousands of fleas! ”He has travelled by another route to the Tsugaru Strait through the interior, and says that he would not have believed that there was such a place in Japan, and that people in Yokohama will not believe it when he tells them of it and of the costume of the women. He is “ashamed for a foreigner to see such a place,” he says. His cleverness in travelling and his singular intelligence surprise me daily. He is very anxious to speak good English, as distinguished from “common” English, and to get new words with their correct pronunciation and spelling. Each day he puts down in his note-book all the words that I use that he does not quite understand, and in the evening brings them to me and puts down their meaning and spelling with their’Japanese equivalents.

通訳として雇ったIto青年は頑張っている様です。 "singular intelligence" の "singular" は7/8/2010に取り上げていましたが、忘れているので再度辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: Exceptionally good or great; remarkable.: the singular beauty of the desert
・Collins Dictionary: Singular means very great and remarkable.: ...a smile of singular sweetness.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: of an unusual quality or standard; noticeable: It was a building of singular grace and beauty.
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