English Collection



2016年07月07日 | 英語の本を読む
Playing for Pizzaからの一節です。
The pretty town of Bolzano is in the mountainous northeastern part of the country, in the Trentino-Alto Adige region, a recent addition to Italy that was chipped away from Austria in 1919 by the Allies as a reward to the Italians for fighting the Germans. Its history is complicated. Its boundaries have been rigged and gerrymandered by whoever happened to have the larger army.
"gerrymander" は政治に関する新聞記事ではよく見かける言葉ですが、娯楽小説にも出てくる一般的な単語なのですね。政治家の都合に合わせて選挙区の線引きをするの意味は知っていますが、対応する一語の日本語は知りません。復習で英英辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class.
・Vocabulary.com: Some politicians change the boundaries of their voting districts in order to benefit themselves or their political party. To manipulate the boundaries like this — often viewed as unfair — is to gerrymander.
The verb gerrymander first appeared in 1812 when Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry redrew district boundaries, hoping it would help his party in an upcoming senate election. Then somebody noticed that the new district looked like a salamander, so they combined Gerry and -mander to create the new word gerrymander. And then a newspaper printed a cartoon with a giant salamander making fun of Gerry, which is what happens to politicians who don’t behave.
日本では一票の価値に地域により大きな差があり、憲法違反とも言われていますが、これも一種の "gerrymander" では無いでしょうか?
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