English Collection



2011年01月04日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 10月号の記事 "Osteoporosis: Invasion of Bone Sappers" から引用します。
It is natural for your bones to weaken as you age. But some people, particularly women, lose so much bone matter that their skeltons become riddled with weak spots.
"riddle" と言うと謎とか、謎をかけるしか頭に浮かびませんが、骨粗しょう症の話なので、骨に穴が空く、租になると言うような意味の様ですが、"riddle" にその様な意味があるか調べます。
・American Heritage Dictionary: To pierce with numerous holes; perforate: riddle a target with bullets.
・Macmillan Dictionary: to make a lot of holes in someone or something, especially with bullets; riddle with: A gunman riddled the facade of the building with bullets.
"riddled" で調べると、
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: full of holes; He wore an old jacket riddled with holes.
・ WordNet: (often followed by `with') damaged throughout by numerous perforations or holes ("A sweater riddled with moth holes")
やはり引用文の "riddled" は穴だらけの状態になっている事を示しているのですね。
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