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"All forms of ownership" 「あらゆる所有形態」

2024-08-02 10:16:24 | 翻訳記事 Translation






今回の全人代は、道教的忍耐の計算された訓練であると容易に解釈できる。中国科学院中国革新発展戦略研究所のXie Maosongによれば、「習近平は何度も、改革の簡単な部分は終わった、今、我々は未知の領域にいる。党は対外的なリスクが高まる中、足元に気を付けなければならない。我々はまた、多くのグループの既得権益に触れている」。中国、2029年までの経済ロードマップを策定/









What if a small family-owned company, whose shares are not listed on a stock exchange, owns a large stake in a giant global corporation?


It’s fascinating to watch how the communique emphasizes the necessity to “correct market failures” – which is a euphemism for reigning in turbo-neoliberalism. What is stressed is “unswerving support and guidance” to the development of the “non-state sector”, with Beijing ensuring “all forms of ownership” in the economy competing fairly and lawfully “on an equal footing”.

The plenum could be easily interpreted as a calculated exercise in Taoist patience. According to Xie Maosong, from the China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, “Xi said many times that the easy part of the reform is over, and now we are in uncharted waters. The party must watch its step, particularly as the external risks build. We are also touching the vested interests of many groups.”


Can "all forms of ownership" in the economy compete fairly and legally on an "equal footing"?

Wouldn't "socialist thinking" by individuals who have built vast fortunes under American-style capitalism be the preservation and expansion of those personal assets?


Over the years, from Latin America and the former Soviet Union to the Middle East and Southeast Asia, the Hungarian billionaire has meddled in domestic politics and sponsored changes of government. The US is no exception. But the Americans use a different system, which means that change is better instigated at the county and state level. That’s why Soros’ organisations have invested in local politicians and legislators who are overwhelmingly ‘progressive,’ i.e. on the left of the ideological spectrum.





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