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What Foreign Threats?

2018-12-10 13:41:37 | 翻訳記事 Translation

Prime Minister Abe is the postwar Japanese prime minister and Abe is famous worldwide as "Prime Minister of the Yesseman of America".

It is also the first prime minister who made common sense that the other party will not meet unless he goes out with a Japanese tax.

In other words, it is also a prime minister who does not oppose anyone in the world.

However, he can take as many pictures as they are being carried overseas, but in Japan there are only places like "Japan Conference or FFWPU".

Even in Akihabara, the prime minister who is said to be "go home to Abe!" Is also Japan's first.

The Prime Minister and President of the United States, Britain, France will soon.

They can not distinguish between domestic and foreign information anymore.











What Foreign Threats?

Recent military maneuvers in Poland and Lithuania and the stationing of new missiles in Eastern Europe do indeed pose a genuine threat to Moscow as it places NATO forces on top of Russia’s border. When Russia reacts to incursions by NATO warships and planes right along its borders, it is accused of acting aggressively. One wonders how the U.S. government would respond if a Russian aircraft carrier were to take up position off the eastern seaboard and were to begin staging reconnaissance flights. Or if the Russian army were to begin military exercises with the Cubans? Does anyone today remember the Bay of Pigs?

When it comes to international conflicts context is everything. Seeing the incident between Russia and Ukraine in Manichean terms as an example of Moscow’s aggressive instincts is satisfying in some circles, but it does not in any way reflect the reality on the ground. Internal politics of the two countries combined with deliberate fabrications that are expected to generate a certain response operate together to create a largely false narrative for both international and domestic consumption. Unfortunately, narratives have consequences: in this case, the sacrifice of the possibly beneficial meeting between Trump and Putin.

The same dynamic works vis-à-vis Washington’s other enemy du jour Iran. In the case of Russia, useless “friend” Ukraine is pulling the strings while regarding Iran it is conniving Israel and Saudi Arabia. Iran has been accused of being the world’s leading sponsor of terror, of destabilizing the Middle East, and of having a secret nuclear weapon program that will be used to attack Israel and Europe. None of those assertions are true. The terrorism tag comes from the country’s relationship with Hezbollah, which is only a terrorist group insofar as it is hostile to Israel and pledged to resist any future Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Washington and Israel have pushed the terrorism label for Hezbollah, but most Europeans have begun to disregard the designation since the group has become a part of the Lebanese government.

And regarding destabilizing the Middle East, that has largely been the end result of actions undertaken by the United States, Israel and the Saudis, while the alleged Persian nuclear weapons program is a fantasy. If someone in the U.S. national security apparatus had any brains the United States would work to improve relations with Iran real soon as the Iranians would in the long run quite likely prove to be better friends than those rascals who are currently running around using that label.

And there are other friends in unlikely places. Beleaguered British Prime Minister Theresa May is wailing loudly against a Trump threat to reveal classified documents relating to Russiagate. The real problem is that the documents apparently don’t expose anything done by the Russians. Rather, they seem to appear to reveal a plot by the British intelligence and security services working in collusion with then CIA Director John Brennan to subvert the course of the 2016 election in favor of the Deep State and Establishment favorite Hillary Clinton. How did that one work out?




 ロシアとの国境へのNATO軍隊を配備した上で、ポーランドとリトアニアでの最近の軍事演習や、新ミサイルの東ヨーロッパ配備は、モスクワに対する本物の脅威となる。ロシアが、その境界に沿っての、NATO軍艦や飛行機による侵入に対応すると、攻撃的行動だと言って非難される。もしロシアの航空母艦が東部沿岸に陣取り、偵察飛行を繰り広げたら、アメリカ政府は一体どのように対応するのかと思いたくなる。あるいは、もしロシア軍が軍事演習をキューバと一緒に始めたら? 今誰がピッグズ湾事件を覚えていだろう?









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