


2012年03月31日 | VOAのやさしい記事で攻略するTOEICPart6
 以下はWife: Bin Laden Fathered 4 Children While on Run

Osama Bin Laden's youngest wife has (1)(been revealed : revealed : to reveal : reveals) that the al-Qaida leader spent much of his time on the run living in Pakistani cities, moving between safe houses and fathering four children.

The details of bin Laden's life after the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States are (2)( to contain : contained : containing : containment) in an interrogation report of Amal Ahmed Abdulfattah, his 30-year-old Yemeni widow.

Abdulfattah told investigators that the family "scattered" in the months (3)(have followed : following : followed : follower) the attacks. She said she reunited with bin Laden in 2002 in Peshawar and then moved to the Swat Valley.

They later moved to Haripur, near the Pakistani capital Islamabad. During this time, she said she (4)(took : made : let : gave) birth to two children at government hospitals, staying only "two or three hours" in the clinics on both occasions.

Finally, the family (5)(designated : settled : idenified : consulted) in Abbottabad in 2005, where she gave birth to two more children. Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad during a raid by U.S. commandos last May. Abdulfattah was wounded (6)(from : in : by : for) the leg in the attack.

Abdulfattah is currently in Pakistani custody, along with bin Laden's two other wives and several children. Their lawyer says he expects them to be charged on Monday with living in Pakistan (7)(illegal : illegally : legal : legally), which carries a possible five-year jail sentence.

During the manhunt for bin Laden, most U.S. and Pakistani officials said that bin Laden was likely living somewhere along the (8)(former : vacant : remote : continuous) Afghanistan-Pakistan border, possibly in a cave.

※解答(1)revealed (2)contained (3)following (4)gave (5)settled (6)in (7)illegally (8)remote
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