


2023年06月09日 | 英英ヒント付きのセンター試験長文過去問


□Do animals play? Certainly, many animals, especially the young, ①eng------- 【to take part in a particular activity】 in behavior that seems like play. But why do they play? This question is difficult to answer, even for ②exp------- 【someone who has a particular skill or who knows a lot about something】 . For one thing, there are considerable difficulties involved in observing animals at play when they are not in natural surroundings. Monkeys, for example, play a lot in the wild, but in cages it is hard to make them play when you want them to. You have to sit patiently, waiting for the right moments. And even when you do see them playing, it is still difficult to say why they are doing so.
□Scientists have ③not------- 【to become aware of someone or something】 that when two monkeys are ‘play-fighting,’ they take turns winning. One will be on top, and it will look as if he is winning. Then suddenly he will give the other a chance to take control of the action. It is believed that this kind of play helps monkeys learn to take different roles when they are older. Like humans, animals sometimes need to take charge, and sometimes follow. Monkeys seem to learn this lesson by playing.
□Another likely purpose of play is to let animals learn how to get along with others of their own age. It has been found that while baby rats kept with their brothers and sisters engage in a lot of rough play, those raised alone with their mothers play just a little. However, when rats which have only been with their mothers are put with other young rats, they play a lot more than those brought up in a large family. It seems that they make up for lost time.
□Though much remains to be discovered about animal play, studies like these do seem to ④ind------- 【to show that something exists】 that animals learn some very basic skills by taking part in play-like activities.

解答)①engage ②experts ③noticed ④indicate

□Nowadays people spend more time away from their jobs than ever before. Technological developments have steadily shortened working hours for a large part of the population, and the fact that people are living longer has also increased the amount of time spent in non-work settings. As a result, a large number of people have had to adjust to more ①lei------- 【time when you can relax and do things you enjoy without working or studying】 than they had expected, and this new-found leisure has created difficulties.
□Historically, the emphasis has been on work, and current attitudes still reflect the ②imp------- 【the effect that something has on someone or something】of this earlier way of thinking. Even today, many people still believe that leisure should be used chiefly to restore one's energy and strength for more and better work. Leisure, therefore, has been viewed as a ③mea------- 【a method for doing something】 to an end.
□Along with greater ④pro------- 【the process of making or growing something for sale in large quantities】 efficiency and higher standards of living, there is a new idea in which leisure is viewed as more than simply a restorative for work. Leisure is now regarded by an increasing number of people as an important part of ⑤con------- 【happening or belonging to the present time】 life. They think that the use of leisure time should be a satisfying experience in and of itself.
□⑥Att------- 【the opinions and feelings that you have about something, especially when this shows in the way you behave】 toward both leisure and work are changing. Increasing mechanization of work has meant that more people are now looking beyond their jobs for satisfying life experiences. This has led to some change in emphasis from job-centered activities to leisure and home-centered activities, especially among the younger generation. However, because the new idea has not entirely ⑦rep------- 【to be used instead of something】 the traditional one, many people face the problem of what role leisure should play in their lives. Some feel guilty about additional hours of free time and seek more work to avoid leisure hours, while others eagerly pursue leisure activities that ⑧res------- 【to be similar to something】 work. As working hours are shortened, a more meaningful balance has to be found between work and play.
(注) restore [rist¦®r] v. 回復する.restórative a.n. 回復させる;回復剤.

解答)①leisure ②impact ③means ④production ⑤contemporary ⑥Attitudes ⑦replaced ⑧resemble

□My fifteen-year-old son has just returned from abroad with a dozen rolls of exposed film and several hundred dollars in unused traveler's checks. His blue bag lies on the hall floor where he dropped in, about four short steps into the house. Last night he slept in Paris, and the twenty nights before that in various beds in England and Scotland, but evidently he ①pos------- 【to arrange for something to take place at a later time】 as much sleep as he could; after he walked in and said hello and how much he'd missed home, his electrical system suddenly switched off, and he headed half-unconscious for his bed, where I imagine he may break his old record of sixteen hours.
□I don't think I'll sleep for a while. This household has been in a state of excitement over the trip since weeks before it began, when we said, “In one month, you'll be in London! Imagine!” It was his first trip overseas, so we bought him travel books and a cassette tape of useful French phrases, made a list of people to visit, and advised him on clothing and other things. At the department store where we went to buy him a suitcase, he looked at a few and headed for the bags and knapsacks. He said that suitcases were for old people. I am only in my forties, though, and I pointed out that a suitcase keeps your things — a jacket, for example — neat and tidy. He said he wasn't taking a jacket. The voice of my mother spoke through me. “Don't you want to look nice?” I said, but he just turned away.
□During his trip, he called home three times: from London, from Paris, and from a town named Ullapool in Scotland. “It's like no place in America, Dad,” he reported excitedly. He hiked through flocks of Scottish sheep and climbed a mountain in a heavy rainstorm. In a village near Ullapool, a man spoke to him in the unfamiliar local language, and, too ②pol------- 【having good manners and respect for the feelings of others】 to interrupt, my son listened to him for ten or fifteen minutes, trying to nod in the right places. The French he learned from the cassette was of little use in Paris; the people he spoke to ③sho------- 【to move something quickly】 their heads and walked on.
□I myself have never been outside the United States, except twice to Canada. When I was eighteen, a friend and I made a list of experiences we intended to have before we reached twenty-one, which included hitchhiking to the West Coast, learning to play the guitar, and going to Europe. I've done none of them. When my son phoned, I sat down and leaned forward, ④eag------- 【wanting to do something very much】 to catch every word. I have never listened on the telephone so intently and with so much pleasure as I did those three times. It was wonderful and moving to hear news from him. To me, he was the first man to land on the moon; I knew that I had no advice to give him and that what I had already given was probably not much help. The money that he'd left on the hall table — almost half the amount I sent him off with — is certainly ⑤evi------- 【the facts or objects which cause you to believe that something exists or is true】 of that.
□Youth travels light. No suitcase, no jacket, not much language, and not much money spent — and yet he went where he wanted to go, did what he wanted to do, and came back safely. I sit here amazed. The night when your child returns with dust on his shoes from a country you've never seen is a night that you wish would last for a week.
(注) exposed film: 撮影済みのフィルム.
traveler's check: 旅行者用小切手.

解答)①postponed ②polite ③shook ④eager ⑤evidence

□Get on a train and it is likely that several people around you will be wearing earphones. There they are in the same space, but not talking or paying ①att------- 【the act of carefully thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something】 to one another. Though listening to a personal tape player this way has some ②vir------- 【a morally good way of behaving】 in that you don't usually disturb others, it ③all------- 【to make it possible for someone to do something】 almost no human contact. You are alone with your machine.
□A ④sim------- 【sharing some features but not exactly the same】 situation occurs with many video games. A person ⑤con------- 【to give all your attention to what you are doing】 on destroying spaceships, avoiding attackers, or shooting enemies needs no companion. True, some games do enable players to take turns, and then people might talk to each other, but in many cases the player is involved only with the machine and its program.
□In what ways are young people affected by instruments like these? Are they becoming less able to make contact with the surrounding world? This question is becoming increasingly important with the spread of personal computers. Computer technology is becoming more and more widely used in areas like ⑥com------- 【the process of exchanging information or ideas】, education, and banking. In one way or another, many people now spend a great deal of time in front of a computer screen. The fact that television frequently limits communication within families is already well known; these new developments will further lead people to live within themselves and not reach out to other people.
□At this moment in history, science seems likely to alter our society as never before. At the same time, the power of technology has become ⑦eno------- 【extremely large in size or in amount】 . Perhaps technology itself is creating individuals who are only concerned with their own interests. Will they be satisfied simply to watch events passively, without becoming involved in social decisions which may change their own life? Machines should not be allowed to ⑧rui------- 【to destroy or severely harm something】 our sense of social responsibility. Whether we admit it or not, we are all here together, and share a common ⑨fat------- 【the things that happen to someone or something, especially in a way that cannot be prevented or changed】.

解答)①attention ②virtue ③allows ④similar ⑤concentrating ⑥communications ⑦enormous ⑧ruin ⑨fate

□In many parts of the world, the ①inf------- 【the power to have an effect on someone or something】 of television is a matter of increasing concern.For years, critics of television have concentrated on the issue of the program content —particularly violence — as it affects viewers. The problem seems especially serious with regard to younger children. There is ②evi------- 【the facts or objects which cause you to believe that something exists or is true】 that TV does in fact lead people to accept more violence in everyday life. How could this not happen when it presents violent acts, often with guns and knives, as normal and common occurrences?
□In the last few years criticism of television has moved to a new stage by shifting the focus from the subject matter to the experience of the medium itself. The problem now with TV is not just what is seen but how it is seen. The way children watch it causes them to be passive, and some evidence suggests that such viewing might even affect the development of the brain in small children.
□However, the worst aspect of television is the way it can interfere with family life. The “box” has too often become a substitute parent, taking over most of the work of introducing social and moral values to the child and developing them in him. Parents allow this to happen by using television like a drug for the purpose of keeping children quiet. Eventually the child comes to depend on the box and it becomes a necessary, lifelong ③hab------- 【something that you do often or regularly, often without thinking about it】.
□While many children go through the “television experience” and survive, many others are deeply affected by it. Much of the discussion of TV during the next few years will center on how to reduce the dangers which it presents, particularly to younger people. Already there are movements to try to ban TV advertising which is directed at children under a certain age. Perhaps this is just the beginning. In the end, some people may even go to the extreme of demanding the removal of such a powerful medium from the lives of young people. This might not be a practical ④sol------- 【a way of dealing with a problem or difficult situation】, but we should not ignore the dangers of television.

解答)①influence ②evidence ③habit ④solution

大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、以下のような四択問題200問と英英挟み撃ち問題800問からなる練習問題にしました。

①prevent【privént】(Ex:The *noise *prevented me from sleeping.)
②invent【invént】(Ex:Who *invented the telephone? )
③bark【bɑ'ːrk】(Ex:*Barking dogs *seldom bite.)
④achieve【ətʃíːv】(Ex:She *achieved her objective of qualifying for the Olympics.)
(A)to create something that has never been made before
(B)to stop someone or something from doing something
(C)to succeed in doing something, usually with effort
(D)to make a short loud sound


①The noise pre------- me from sleeping.
【to stop someone or something from doing something】

②Who inv------- the telephone?
【to create something that has never been made before】

③Bar------- dogs seldom bite.
【to make a short loud sound】

④She ach------- her objective of qualifying for the Olympics.
【to succeed in doing something, usually with effort】

解答)①prevented ②invented ③Barking ④achieved

 予備校の授業で大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語を採用したところ、年度初めのマーク模試の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。無料穴埋めディクテーション用紙で語彙を予習すれば 英検3級合格程度から取り組めて共通テスト英語9割程度まで到達できます。

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