


2009年11月23日 | ドリトル先生アフリカゆきで学ぶ語彙・読解
 著作権の切れた童話「ドリトル先生アフリカゆき」から、シンプルで、大学入試にもTOEICにも英検にも有効な練習問題を作成しています。楽しみながら英語力を伸ばしていただければ幸いです。( )には文脈にあったアルファベットを補充してください。スラッシュで区切られているのが四語整序問題になっています。

But the parrot just laughed—a long, deep jolly laugh, like the Doctor's.

"Stop laughing and come here at ①onc( ), so I can see you," said the King.

"Foolish King!" answered Polynesia. "Have you forgotten that you are talking to John Dolittle, M.D.—the most wonderful man on earth? Of course you cannot see me. I have made myself ②( )( )visible. There is nothing I cannot do. Now listen: I have come here to-night to ③war( ) you. If you don't let me and my ④(travel / animals / your / through ) kingdom, I will make you and all your people sick like the monkeys. For I can make people well: and I can make people ill—just by ⑤( )aising my little finger. Send your ⑥( )oldiers at once to open the dungeon door, or you shall have mumps before the morning sun has risen on the hills of Jolliginki."

Then the King began to ⑦tremb( )( ) and was very much afraid.

"Doctor," he cried, "it shall ⑧(say / be / you / as). Do not raise your little finger, please!" And he jumped out of bed and ran to tell the soldiers to open the prison door.

As soon as he was gone, Polynesia crept downstairs and left the palace by the pantry window.

But the Queen, who was just letting herself in at the backdoor with a latch-key, saw the ⑨(out / parrot / through / getting) the broken glass. And when the King came back to bed she told him ⑩(seen / what / had / she).

Then the King understood that he had been ⑪( )ricked, and he was dreadfully angry. He hurried back to the prison at once

But he was too late. The door stood open. The dungeon was ⑫( )mpty. The Doctor and all his animals were gone.

QUEEN ERMINTRUDE had never in her life seen her husband so ⑬terrib( )( ) as he got that night. He gnashed his teeth with ⑭rag( ). He called everybody a fool. He threw his tooth-brush at the palace cat. He rushed round in his night-shirt and woke up all his army and sent them into the jungle to catch the Doctor. Then he made all his servants go too—his cooks and his gardeners and his barber and Prince Bumpo's tutor—even the Queen, who was ⑮(from / tired / in / dancing ) a pair of tight shoes, was packed off to help the soldiers in their ⑯sear( )( ).

All this time the Doctor and his animals were running through the forest towards the Land of the Monkeys as fast as they could go.

Gub-Gub, with his short legs, soon got tired; and the Doctor had to carry him—which made ⑰(when / hard / pretty / it ) they had the trunk and the hand-bag with them as well.

The King of the Jolliginki thought it would ⑱(easy / be / his / for ) army to find them, because the Doctor was in a strange land and would not know his way. But he was ⑲( )rong; because the monkey, Chee-Chee, knew all the paths through the jungle—better even than the King's men did. And he led the Doctor and his pets to the very thickest part of the forest—a place where no man had ever been before—and ⑳(all / hid / in / them) a big hollow tree between high rocks.

※(10)の解答①once②invisible③warn④(animals travel through your)⑤raising⑥soldiers⑦tremble⑧(be as you say)⑨(parrot getting out through)⑩(what she had seen)⑪tricked⑫empty⑬terrible ⑭rage⑮(tired from dancing in)⑯search⑰(it pretty hard when)⑱(be easy for his)⑲wrong⑳(hid them all in)
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