


2011年07月09日 | ドリトル先生航海記で学ぶ語彙・読解

※(75)の解答①(explained)②(those on floating islands)③(stone towering above us) ④(escape)⑤(where)⑥(sticking)⑦(let us hope that)⑧(ahead of us in)⑨(hours before we could)⑩(anxious)⑪(went on traveling by)⑫(gathered)⑬(landed)⑭(election)⑮(announced)⑯(paid)⑰(proceeded)⑱(whole crew of us)⑲(appeared)⑳(curious)

We found Polynesia—who while we slept had arrived back from Bag-jagderag—sitting on our door-post watching the show. We asked her what all the holiday-making was about.

"The result of the ①*(function : election : displine : justice) has just been announced," said she. "The name of the new chief ②(given / at / out / was) noon."

"And who is the new chief?" asked the Doctor.

"You are," said Polynesia quietly.

"I!" gasped the Doctor—"Well, of all things!"

"Yes," said she. "You're the one—And what's more, they've changed your surname for you. They didn't think that Dolittle was a ③**(harsh : wicked : proper : secure) or respectful name for a man who had done so much. So you are now to be known as Jong Thinkalot. How do you like it?"

"But I don't WANT to be a chief," said the Doctor in an irritable voice.

"I'm afraid you'll have hard work to get out of it now," said she—"unless you're willing to put to sea again in one of their rickety canoes. You see you've been elected not merely the Chief of the Popsipetels; you're to be a king—the King of the whole of Spidermonkey Island. The Bag-jagderags, who were so anxious to have you ④*(fix : resolve : govern : search) them, sent spies and messengers ahead of you; and when they found that you had been elected Chief of the Popsipetels overnight they were bitterly ⑤*(encouraged : disappointed : determined : hesitated). However, rather than lose you altogether, the Bag-jagderags were willing to give up their independence, and insisted that they and their lands be ⑥*(divided : blamed : united : annoyed) to the Popsipetels in order that you could be made king of both. So now you're in for it."

"Oh Lord!" groaned the Doctor, "I ⑦(wish / wouldn't / do / they) be so enthusiastic! Bother it, I don't WANT to be a king!"

"I should think, Doctor," said I, "you'd feel rather proud and glad. I ⑧*(bother : wish : quit : attempt) I had a chance to be a king."

"Oh I know it sounds grand," said he, pulling on his boots miserably. "But the trouble is, you can't take up responsibilities and then just ⑨(again / drop / when / them) you feel like it. I have my own work to do. Scarcely one moment have I had to give to natural history since I landed on this island. I've been doing some one else's business all the time. And now they want me ⑩(on / to / doing / go) it! Why, once I'm made King of the Popsipetels, that's the ⑪(of / end / as / me) a useful naturalist. I'd be too busy for anything. All I'd be then is just a er—er just a king."

"Well, that's something!" said Bumpo. "My father is a king and has a hundred and twenty wives."

"That would make it worse," said the Doctor—"a hundred and twenty times worse. I have my work to do. I don't want to be a king."

"Look," said Polynesia, "here come the head men to ⑫*(deliver : affect : gather : announce) your election. Hurry up and get your boots laced."

The ⑬***(scrutiny : throng : spouse : sibling) before our door had suddenly parted asunder, making a long lane; and down this we now saw a group of personages coming towards us. The man in front, a handsome old Indian with a wrinkled face, carried in his hands a wooden crown—a truly beautiful and gorgeous crown, even though of wood. Wonderfully carved and painted, it had two lovely blue feathers springing from the front of it. Behind the old man came eight strong Indians bearing a litter, a sort of chair ⑭(long / underneath / with / handles) to carry it by.

Kneeling down on one knee, bending his head almost to the ground, the old man ⑮*(released : replaced : addressed : reflected) the Doctor who now stood in the doorway putting on his collar and tie.

"Oh, Mighty One," said he, "we bring you word from the Popsipetel people. Great are your deeds beyond belief, kind is your heart and your wisdom, deeper than the sea. Our chief is dead. The people ⑯***(abstain : clamor : paralyze : renounce) for a worthy leader. Our old enemies, the Bag-jagderags are become, through you, our brothers and good friends. They too ⑰(bask / to / beneath / desire) the sunshine of your smile. Behold then, I bring to you the Sacred Crown of Popsipetel which, since ancient days when this island and its peoples were one, beneath one monarch, has rested on no kingly brow. Oh Kindly One, we are bidden by the united voices of the peoples of this land to carry you to the Whispering Rocks, that there, with all respect and majesty, you may be crowned our king—King of all the Moving Land."

The good Indians did not seem to have even ⑱*(insisted : considered : ruined : applied)the possibility of John Dolittle's refusing. As for the poor Doctor, I never saw him ⑲(by / so / anything / upset). It was in fact the only time I have ⑳(him / get / known / to) thoroughly fussed.
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2 コメント

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Unknown (princessmia)
2011-07-10 11:26:57
Unknown (鈴木康)
2011-07-10 17:26:19

