


2010年01月21日 | ドリトル先生航海記で学ぶ語彙・読解

※(1)の解答①(happened from those who)②(permission)③(that)④(hesitate)⑤(sailor songs to herself )⑥(marvelous)⑦(able to put me) ⑧(how I came to)⑨(which)←非制限用法の関係代名詞のためthatは使えない。⑩(watch the sailors unloading)⑪(by)⑫(with my feet dangling)⑬(pretending to myself that)←分詞構文⑭(creeping)⑮(longed to go with)⑯(fortune)⑯(bend) in the river and the water was hidden from view, you could still see their huge ⑰(brown sails towering over)⑱(among)⑲(sight)⑳(clever)

Joe would sometimes ①(make : take : give : go) me in his mussel-boat, and when the tide was ②(would / running / we / out) paddle down the river as far as the edge of the sea to get mussels and lobsters to sell. And out there on the cold lonely marshes we would ③(wild / see / flying / geese ), and curlews and redshanks and many other kinds of seabirds that live among the samfire and the long grass of the great salt fen. And as we crept up the river in the evening, when the tide had turned, we would see the lights on Kingsbridge twinkle in the dusk, ④(remembering : remaining : reminding : recovering) us of tea-time and warm fires.

Another ⑤(was / friend / had / I) Matthew Mugg, the cat's-meat-man. He was a funny old person with a bad squint. He looked rather ⑥*(awful : rational : concrete : superior) but he was really quite nice to talk to. He knew everybody in Puddleby; and he knew all the dogs and all the cats. In those times being a cat's-meat-man was a ⑦*(complete : regular : fundamental : precious) business. And you could see one nearly any day going through the streets with a ⑧(of / full / tray / wooden) pieces of meat stuck on skewers crying, "Meat! M-E-A-T!" People paid him to give this meat to their cats and dogs instead of ⑨*(addressing : feeding : encountering : engaging) them on dog-biscuits or the scraps from the table.

I enjoyed going round with old Matthew and seeing the cats and dogs come running to the garden-gates whenever they heard his call. Sometimes he let me give the meat to the animals myself; and I thought ⑩(fun / this / great / was). He knew a lot about dogs and he would tell me the names of the different kinds ⑪(went / as / through / we) the town. He had several dogs of his own; one, a whippet, was a very fast runner, and Matthew used to ⑫(prizes / win / her / with) at the Saturday coursing races; another, a terrier, was a fine ratter. The cat's-meat-man used to make a business of rat-catching for the millers and farmers as well as his other ⑬*(result : trade : motive :decade) of selling cat's-meat.

My third great friend was Luke the Hermit. But of him I will tell you more later on.

I did not go to school; because my father was not ⑭(enough / rich / send / to) me. But I was extremely fond of animals. So I used to spend my ⑮(eggs / time / birds' / collecting) and butterflies, fishing in the river, rambling through the countryside after blackberries and mushrooms and helping the mussel-man ⑯*(elect : mend : accuse : decline) his nets.

Yes, it was a very pleasant life I lived in those days long ago—though of course I did not think so then. I was nine and a half years old; and, like all boys, I wanted to grow up—⑰(well / how / knowing / not) off I was with no cares and nothing to worry me. Always I longed for the time when I should be allowed to leave my father's house, to take passage in one of those brave ships, to sail down the river through the misty marshes to the sea—⑱(into / out / world / the) to seek my fortune.


ONE early morning in the Springtime, when I was wandering among the hills at the back of the town, I ⑲(upon / happened / come / to) a hawk with a squirrel in its claws. It was standing on a rock and the squirrel was fighting very hard for its life. The hawk was so frightened when I came upon it suddenly like this, that it dropped the poor ⑳*(industry : creature : destiny : practice) and flew away. I picked the squirrel up and found that two of its legs were badly hurt. So I carried it in my arms back to the town.

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