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2008-04-21 19:07:32 | Weblog
ROSKILDE 1658 AWARD ACTIVITIES. Look for six special event callsigns to
be active from various provinces from former Danish parts
of Sweden and in Denmark. Activity is to celebrate the 350th anniversary
of the signing of the Treaty of Roskilde on February 26, 1658.
SC1658OZ - Will be active between April 20th and May 5th. Activity will
be on 80-17 meters, most likely on PSK31, RTTY and Olivia.
QSL via SK7BQ.
SK1658DK - Will be active on every first Saturday and Sunday of the
month, different bands and modes. QSL via SK7CE.

SB1658OZ - Will be activated almost daily on 20, 15 and 10m, mostly
on 20m due to condx, around 0700-1300z. PSK31 and CW only.
Look for PSK31 around 14071 kHz. The signal is activated
by three operators as time permits on SSB, CW, RTTY and

Other callsigns: SK1658OZ, SH1658OZ, SH1658DK are active from time to
time. All callsigns with 1658 in the callsign from Sweden
and Denmark are valid for the award.

OZ1658ROS - Is QRT until further notice due to high winds that damaged
their antennas. They will repair them as soon as WX and
time permits.

Look for all details, an activity calendar, online logs and the award
design (soon) at: http://www.sk7bq.com/roskilde


2008-04-21 19:05:12 | Weblog
Operators Lazaro/CO2WL, Gamboa/CO3VK, Jorge/CO3LF, Sandor/CO7SF,
Josue/CO7RR and Gerardo/CO7GG will be active as T47C from Cayo
Romano, April 24-27th. Suggested frequenices are:
CW - 1830, 3505, 7010, 10110, 14020, 18070, 21010, 24895
and 28020 kHz
SSB - 1850, 3720, 7050, 14200, 18145, 21250, 24940 and 28490
RTTY - 7035, 14080, 18100 and 21080 kHz
QSL direct to IZ8EBI.