HAM radio
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6O0F 4月5日から

2007-04-09 20:22:54 | Weblog
ON4TA, Filip, also known as 6O0F, planned to be visiting Puntland,
Somalia, on the horn of Africa, starting April 5th, running through
the 18th. He planned to be on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10M SSB with his
6O0F callsign. He noted it is a "private visit, not a DXpedition."
QSL via his home call, ON4TA, via the Belgian Bureau. If you need a
direct QSL, he says, "include a self-addressed airmail envelope and
two U.S. dollars or two new IRCs if you are outside Europe, or one
U.S. dollar or one new IRC within Europe.


2007-04-09 20:19:01 | Weblog
KA3UNQ, KD3CQ and W3REG will operate with the N3L callsign from Pt.
Lookout Lighthouse in Maryland, USA, April 14, from 1400-2000Z. Look
for them on 80, 40, 20 and 17M SSB, PSK31, and possibly CW. QSL
direct to KA3UNQ.


2007-04-09 20:10:43 | Weblog

VP5 coming soon

2007-04-09 18:53:46 | Weblog
VP5 Turks & Caicos DxPedition - Annoucement

Fred, PY2XB will sign VP5/PY2XB from Providenciales Island NA-002
From April 19 thru May 3 - 2007.

Low Bands QRO (160,80 and 40m) and WARC Bands (30,17 and 12m), as well as
Digital modes (BPSK31 and RTTY) will be emphasized.

Six meter propagation will be checked by means of a CW beacon on
50.097 MHz

On-line logs will be available at http://www.py2yp.ws/py2xb/

QSL via PT7WA direct or via Bureau