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Jessica`s holiday

2012-08-23 18:11:30 | Weblog


残暑厳しいです 今日も34度だったんですって~~~


さて、お盆休みが終わり 「How was your OBON?」 と インストラクター達と会話が弾みます


Jessicaは、神奈川 そして 新潟ー金沢 と 2回のキャンプを楽しんだそうです

「I had a really wonderful Obon break! It began with a camping trip in Miura, Kanagawa. I took the train and met a large group of friends there (lucky for me, they had already set up the tents!). Ten of us stayed there 2 days and 1 night, going swimming in the day, and even spotting sea urchins!

My second camping trip was in Niigata prefecture... Four friends and I drove from Tokyo and slept on the beach for two nights. When swimming on the second night all three of my friends were stung by jellyfish - I was the only one that escaped with no stings!! Very lucky indeed. On the way home from our trip, I drove on local roads for 6 hours, as we wanted to see the mountains rather than use the expressway. I was so tired that I made everyone stop en route and visit a hot spring in Numata, Gunma with me. It was the best remedy, and after bathing I was able to continue the drive back! 」

早朝の新潟の海岸・・・ very beautiful


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