Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 8/2)

2024-08-02 21:13:51 | Translation



>"もう一人の XY染色体を持つ台湾のボクサーが女性を圧倒し、フルマークで勝利/相手選手は握手を拒否"



> 世界中で物議を醸すパリ五輪女子ボクシング メローニ首相、マイク・タイソン、ハリー・ポッター原作者など世界中から上がる疑問の声が話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 8/2)


> 彼女は相手選手を恨んでるだろうか?🤔
> 相手より、現在のシステムを作って、それを「多様性」と讃えてきた人たちを恨んでると思う😢

A "female," who is crying after being severely beaten by a "former male who was recognized as a male."
Does she curse the counterpart boxer?🤔
I think that she curse the persons, who established the current system and praised it as "diversity" more than the counterpart boxer.



> 女子ボクシングを見て「酷い」「これはちょっと…」という反応が多いが、常識的に考えたら最初から予想できたこと。
> 性認知とか、第3の性とかの概念を強制し、それに反対、懸念する人は「差別主義者」とレッテルを貼ってきた勢力は何というだろう🧐

There are many responses such as "awful" or "That's a bit," after viewing the women's boxing match. However, this is what was possible be predicted from the scratch, if you think based on common sense.
What would the forces that have forced the concepts such as "gender identity" & a "3rd gender" onto people, and labeled those who oppose and/or are concerned about that as "racists" say?

> こうなると思ったよ🧐
I knew it would happen🧐

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