Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:中国と韓国、朝鮮半島情勢を協議 初の次官級2プラス2

2024-06-20 06:13:18 | Translation

Ref.>"EDITORIAL | G7 Countries Right to be Concerned About Disruptive China"

>"INTERVIEW | A New Taiwan President Takes Stance, No Concessions to China"

>"The East Wind Rises: China and Russia's Lawfare and Its Threat to Global Security"

> S. Korea shows concerns on Putin's visit to N. Korea, during high-level security talks with China

Translation; The 1st Sino-S. Korea vice ministers class "2+2" meeting in which the Korean Peninsula situation was talked

>"中国と韓国、朝鮮半島情勢を協議 初の次官級2プラス2"

> 韓国と中国は18日、外務・国防当局の次官級による外交安全保障対話(2プラス2)を初めてソウルで開き、朝鮮半島情勢を協議した。
> 韓国は、北朝鮮によるごみ風船や弾道ミサイル発射などで南北の緊張が高まる中、プーチン・ロシア大統領の訪朝でロ朝の軍事協力が進むことへの憂慮を示した。
> 韓国外務省が発表した。

On June 18, China and S. Korea held the 1st Sino-S. Korea diplomacy & security dialogue by vice foreign affairs and defense ministers class (2+2) in Seoul, in which the Korean Peninsula situation was talked.
South Korea expressed concern on progress of Russo-N. Korea military cooperation by Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to N. Korea, amid rising inter-Koreans straing due to N. Korea's trash-balloons and ballistic missile firings.
The S. Korean Foreign Ministry released so.

> 韓国はロ朝の軍事協力強化は朝鮮半島の緊張を一層高めるため中国の利益にも反すると訴え、朝鮮半島の平和や北朝鮮の非核化へ「建設的な役割」を果たすよう求めた。
> 中国は役割を果たすと応じた。
> 双方は2プラス2の定期開催で一致した。

S. Korea apealed that that strengthening Russo-N. Korea military would further increase the strain on the Korean Peninsula and go against China's interests, and requested it to play a "constructive role" toward peace on the Korean Peninsula and the denuclearization of N. Korea.
China responded that it would play the role.
The two sides agreed to hold regular holding of the 2+2 dialogue.

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