Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 8/7)

2024-08-07 22:26:57 | Translation

Ref.>"【危険】中国人バイク乗りさん、首都高(東京)で MAX180キロ…(※動画)"

>"貴金属店強盗事件、逃走中の中国人を関西空港で確保! 刺された店員は意識不明の重体 大阪"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 8/7)


> 広島は米軍による大量虐殺兵器の犠牲を出し地だぞ。
> その鎮魂の日に左翼が何故反政府活動で暴れる。
> 犠牲者の方々に無礼だぞ。

Hiroshima is the place, where residents lost their lives to genocidal weapons used by the U.S. Forces.
Why are leftists raging by anti-government activities on that day of remembrance?
It's disrespectful to the victims.



> 中国の江蘇省南通市にあるホテル観音山の「花園飯店」で、経費削減のため古くなった食材を使い、集団食中毒を防ぐために下痢止め効果にあるゲンタマイシン硫酸塩の注射液を料理に混入。
> 営業許可剥奪の上、2人の料理人検察に処分される。
> さすがは🇨🇳だわ。

The "Hanazono Hanten" at the Hotel Guanyinzan in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China, used old ingredients to cut costs and mixed an injection of "Gentamicin sulfate," which has anti-diarrheal effect, into the food to prevent mass food poisoning.
The business license was revoked and two chefs were punished by prosecutors.
As expected, this is 🇨🇳.



> 中国政府がネット利用のための専用身分証を検討。
> SNSを完全実名制にして監視を強化する目的のようだ。
> 中国の止まらないオーウェル化。

Beijing has been considering to introduce a special ID card for netizens.
It seems to be aimed to make social media a completely real-name system and tighten surveillance.
"George Orwell-ization" in China is unstoppable.


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