Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 6/20)

2024-06-20 19:24:11 | Translation



>"リニア工事で山梨、静岡とJRが合意締結へ → 石平氏「やはり、前知事の川勝氏こそが工事を遅らせた元凶」"

> 杉田水脈 先生からのビデオメッセージ・講師決定フルバージョン

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 6/20)


> 前回サンライズ出雲・瀬戸に乗った時はワクワクし過ぎてほとんど眠れなかったのですが、今回は大阪あたりからぐっすり💤。
> 一旦家に帰ってシャワーを浴びて向かったのは横浜。
> 今年の2月に小島神奈川県議の会で講演させていただいた時にお話を聞いてくださった方が、「もっと多くの方に聞いてほしい」とご自宅で 20名のお友達を集めて、私のミニ集会を開いてくださいました。
> 小島先生そして地元の三谷 英弘先生も駆けつけてくださりました。
> 一般家庭の主婦の方がほとんどでしたが、中には中学生も参加してくださり、熱心に質問もしてくれました。
> 安全保障の話が中心でしたが、「とてもわかりやすかった」とおっしゃっていただき、ホッとしています。
> その後は新横浜から新幹線に乗って大阪へ。
> 慰安婦問題のこれまで展開を丁寧に解説していただき、改めて、頭の中が整理できました。

Last time, when I took the Sunrise Izumo-Seto, I was so excited that I could hardly sleep. However, this time, I slept soundly from around Osaka💤
After going home and taking a shower, I headed to Yokohama.
A person -- who listened to my lecture at the meeting of the Kanagawa Prefectural Assembly member Kojima in February this year -- gathered 20 friend at his or her home and held a mini rall for me, saying that "I would like more persons to hear that."
Mr. Kojima, and even locally elected LH lawmaker Hidehiro Mitani (LDP), rushed to the rally.
Most of the participants were housewives from ordinary families. However, even junior high school student(s) also participated and questioned enthusiastically.
I talked mainly about security, and I was relieved to hear that they said that "It was very easy to understand."
After that, I took the Shinkansen from Shin-Yokohama to Osaka.
I participated in the Osaka workshop of a "publication commemorative lecture" of the >"Historical Awareness Research Committee" and gave a speech.
The development of the comfort women issue so far was explained in details, I was therefore able to organize my thoughts once again.

> 今日、この時間になって、眉毛を描き忘れたことを指摘されて気付く💦
Today, at this time, I'm pointed out and realizes that I had forgotten to draw my eyebrows.

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