Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;門田隆将(作家・ジャーナリスト)の X(on '24. 8/26)

2024-08-26 22:56:52 | Translation


>"【動画】河野太郎氏、総裁選への出馬を正式表明「裏金議員」「返納要求」がトレンド入り… Xブロックについても持論を展開"



> 日本のエネルギー戦略 SMRの活用を訴える高市氏 / 三浦半島の神社が跡形もなく破壊 小泉進次郎の地元での暴挙 無関心なんだろうな…【マンデーバスターズ】345 Vol.3 / 20240819

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 8/26)


> 大規模なイスラム系土葬墓地の建設計画が進む大分県日出町長選で、容認派で3選を目指した本田博文町長に断固反対の元町議安部徹也氏が圧勝。
> 九州全土から日出町へ遺体が継続的に運び込まれ、全区画が埋まれば上から埋め続けるという極めて異例の土葬墓地建設に町民が "待った"をかけた。
> いよいよ住民の反乱が始まった

In the Hiji Town mayoral election in Oita Pref., where a plan to build a large-scale Islamic burial cemetery is underway, former town councilor Tetsuya Abe, who firmly opposes the plan, won a landslide victory over Hirofumi Honda, sitting mayor who is in favor of the plan and sought a 3rd term.
The town residents put a "stop" to the highly unusual construction of the burial cemetery, in which bodies are continually transported to Hiji Town from all over Kyushu, and once all the plots are filled, the bodies are continuously filled from the top.
The revolt of the residents has finally begun.

>"[「移民」と日本人]. イスラム土葬墓地建設「断固反対」の安部氏が初当選 大分・日出町長選「将来リスクある」"


> 出馬表明の河野太郎氏が財政規律重視を示した上で「民間主導で経済を発展させる妨げになる規制は大胆に改革する」と強調。
> また選択的夫婦別姓は「認めた方がいい」と明言。
>「国家主導の "危機管理"投資」や「国家による投資を通じた成長」を謳う高市早苗氏と真逆。
> 総裁候補者は財務省のポチばかり?

Kono Taro, who announced his candidacy, emphasized that "I will boldly reform regulations that are an obstacle to private-sector-led economic development," after showing his importance to fiscal discipline.
He also stated that optional separate surnames for married couples "had better be allowed."
This is the complete opposite of Sanae Takaichi, who advocates "state-led 'crisis management' investments" & "growth through state investment."
Are the all candidates for LDP presidential election puppets of the MoF?

>"河野氏が出馬表明 裏金議員「返納でけじめ」-- 自民総裁選"


> 本日、河野太郎氏が総裁選出馬を表明。
> 会見では「そろそろ財政規律を取り戻さなければならない」「金利が上がっていく中で財政をどうするのか議論する必要がある」「財政の犠牲の上に経済をつくる、そんな経済の成長は持続可能ではない」などと発言したそうな。
> 仰天。
> 再エネ論者の上、緊縮財政、そのうえ媚中?
> 小石河は似たり寄ったり。
> 日本を潰したい人はどうぞ

Today, Kono Taro announced his candidacy for the LDP presidential election.
He allegedly remarked at a press conference as follows;
"It's about time we must restore the fiscal discipline."
"With interest rates rising, we need to discuss what to do about the finances."
"An economy built at the expense of finances, such economic growth is not sustainable."
I'm astonished.
In addition to advocate renewable energy, fiscal austerity, and pro-China?
Koizumi, Ishiga and Kono are more of the same.
If you want to destroy Japan, please support them.



> 本日発売の月刊『>"WiLL"』になぜ高市早苗氏を私が推しているのか8ページに亘って記事を書かせて頂いた。
> 中国によって存亡の危機が迫る日本。
> その事に誰よりも危機感を持ち、その対処法を知っているのは高市氏だけである。
> 左翼リベラル政権を樹立し、皇統や憲法、夫婦別姓など、あらゆる "日本破壊"の魔の手が蠢く総裁選。
> いま国民が立ち上がらなければ日本は滅ぶ

I wrote an eight-page article in the monthly magazine >"WiLL" released today about the reason why I endorse Sanae Takaichi.
Japan faces an inminent crisis of survival due to China.
Takaichi is the only one, who feels a greater sense of crisis than anyone else and knows how to deal with it.
Every and each evil hand of "Japan destruction" -- the imperial line and the Constitution, separate surnames for married couples, and all sorts of other measures -- is lurking in the LDP presidential election to establish a left-wing liberal government.
If the nationals don't rise up now, Japan will be destroyed.

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