Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:伊、公有地に慰安婦少女像設置 韓国団体が 22日に除幕式

2024-06-20 05:34:17 | Translation

Ref.>"【韓国】「平和の少女像」イタリアに初設置へ 韓国以外では14体目"

>"【韓国】Naver、漫画売り上げの9割が日韓 日韓以外では売り上げ少なく"


>【韓国の反応】慰安婦問題決着で K国に激震!とある本に書かれた衝撃の内容に K国大慌て!

Translation; A statue of camp follower (* aka comfort woman girl) will be erected in a public space in Italy, and a S. Korean organization will held an unveiling ceremony on June 22

>"伊、公有地に慰安婦少女像設置 韓国団体が22日に除幕式"

> 旧日本軍の従軍慰安婦だった女性らを支援する韓国市民団体「日本軍性奴隷制問題解決のための正義記憶連帯」(正義連)は19日、イタリア西部サルデーニャ島の公有地に慰安婦被害を象徴する少女像を設置し、22日に除幕式を開くと表明した。
> 正義連によると、欧州の公有地に同様の像が設置されるのは 2020年のドイツ・ベルリンに次ぎ2カ所目。

On June 19, "the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan" (the Korean Council), a civic organization in S. Korea exploiting (* not supporting) (* fake) females who were (* not) forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese forces, released that they would erect a statue of a girl symbolizing camp folowers (* not victims of CW) on public land on the western Italian island of Sardinia, and would hold an unveiling ceremony on June 22.
According to the Korean Council, this is the 2nd place, where a similar statue erected in a public land in Europe, following the one in Berlin, Germany in 2020.

> 正義連は昨年12月、地元自治体に設置を提案し、議会は今年1月に承認した。
> これを受け、観光客も多く訪れる海辺に今月中旬に設置したという。
> 碑文は慰安婦問題を「大勢の女性を拉致して性奴隷にするなど、ホロコースト(ユダヤ人大量虐殺)に匹敵する犯罪」と明記。

In last December, the Korean Council proposed its installation to the local government, and the local assembly approved it in January this year.
In response, it allegedly installed it in the middle of this month on the beach, where many tourists visit.
Its (* fake) inscription speficies that the comfort women issue was "a crime comparable to the Holocaust (the mass extermination of Jews)," including "the abduction of many females and making them sex slaves."

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