Good morning and thank you very much for visiting English Plus blog.
Today, let's learn some English vocabulary from our lessons.
At the end of each lesson at English Plus, we give lesson feedback to our students.
We usually check and correct their vocabulary, expressions, and grammar errors during lessons.
As I've checked and corrected their mistakes, I realized that they use what it's called "Katakana English" during lessons.
So, today let's learn some correct "Katakana" English vocabulary.
For instance...
・パーカー = hoodie
・ウィンナー = sausage
・フライドポテト = French fries
・オートバイ = motorcycle
・クーラー = air conditioner
You might use the vocabulary above, so let's master them from now.
Be careful when you use these words.
About English Plus, please click here:
(Today's photo from English Plus School)
Trial lessons are available at English Plus
English Plusでは体験レッスンを随時募集中です
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's challenge!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
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コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します
Today, let's learn some English vocabulary from our lessons.
At the end of each lesson at English Plus, we give lesson feedback to our students.
We usually check and correct their vocabulary, expressions, and grammar errors during lessons.
As I've checked and corrected their mistakes, I realized that they use what it's called "Katakana English" during lessons.
So, today let's learn some correct "Katakana" English vocabulary.
For instance...
・パーカー = hoodie
・ウィンナー = sausage
・フライドポテト = French fries
・オートバイ = motorcycle
・クーラー = air conditioner
You might use the vocabulary above, so let's master them from now.
Be careful when you use these words.
About English Plus, please click here:
(Today's photo from English Plus School)
Trial lessons are available at English Plus
English Plusでは体験レッスンを随時募集中です
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's challenge!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus - Copyright:© 2015 English Plus All Rights Reserved. |
コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します