My life


New Year's Party

2016-01-31 01:18:31 | Party

My new year's parties was continued to the end of January.

The first New Year's party of the Japan Radio Alpin Club was held on January 22.

It was held at a Chinese restaurant.

  中華銘菜 餃子菜館の雰囲気1


 The second party was held on January 26 with fellow workers of JRC.

It took place at an Italian restaurant.

 テラス・ヴェルト 店内イメージ

Café Terrasse Verte.



 The third party was held with my neighbors on January 28.

We had the party at a sushi shop.

The sushi tasted good and the cost was reasonable so it’s my favorite shop.

The shop is Chiyoda Zushi of near my house.




That's it.
























3 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (Eric Yu)
2016-02-16 12:50:51
It's looks I am hungry. hahhahahh
New year's partie (To Mr. Yu)
2016-02-17 10:14:49
Dear Eric
Thank you your comment.
Do you like Sushi?
I will take you to the Sushi shop next time.
See you.
Unknown (Eric Yu)
2016-02-19 12:45:00
Thank you very much.I like Sushi very much,somethimes I like to go to Japanese resturant to eat Sushi and Sasimi Taiwan,but I think in Japan is more delicious than Taiwan's.
See you next time and go to eat Japanese's food and drink Sakei with you.

Thanks a lot ~~
