My life


I hate terrorism.

2016-03-28 10:21:26 | 事件

The recent rampant terrorism of IS, North Korean provocation, shootings in the United States and the world civil war etc.

I hate terrorism and acts of violence.

I am praying that the world is at peace.

Walking in the Tama area.

2016-03-27 23:08:25 | ウォーキング


I have gone hiking seven times in the Tama area at this time.

I went to Takao Baigou for plum blossom viewing on the 17th of March.

I walked from Takao Station to the Kogesawa Bairin, about six kilometers, along the Kobotoke Creek.

It was a fine day and I could see many beautiful plum blossoms.

The Kogesawa Bairin had an especially superb grove of plums.

It was a feast for my eyes.










That's it.







The Choir Sakitama Regular Concert.

2016-03-19 22:59:09 | 音楽

I went to listen to the Choir Sakitama Regular Concert on March 12.

It was held in the large hall of the Uesuta Kawagoe in Saitama prefecture.

The Uesuta Kawagoe is a big new building that was built last year. 

The musical program was the Requiem of the Durufle and the Mass de Saint Cecilie of the Gounod.

The chorus group’s harmony was good but especially, the guest soprano, tenor and bass solo singers voices moved me. 

A friend of mine is a member of the chorus group.

That was my first visit to Kawagoe. 

I thought that Kawagoe was a quiet town but the area in front of Kawagoe station was very crowded.



                        The Uesuta Kawagoe.






                      The large hall.





That's it.


The big earthquake in Taiwan.

2016-03-11 11:50:46 | 災害

I received a message from my Taiwanese friend.

I'm very sad to read his story.


A powerful earthquake struck in the early hours of Feb. 6 in Kaoshiong (高雄).

As this day was the Lunar New Year’s Eve many Taiwanese had returned to their hometowns to celebrate the holiday with the customary family dinner.

Though the epicenter of the quake was in Kaoshiong, the worst affected city was Tainan, most likely due to soil liquefaction.

Many buildings tilted and were damaged, and one building collapsed causing the death of 116 people.

One of my customers in Tainan, Mr. Liu , lived in this building.

The day of the quake I contacted his colleagues but nobody had heard from him. On the 7th day after the quake he and his wife and two children were found dead.

A student from my daughter’s school who had returned to her grandmother’s home in Tainan from Taipei was also found killed alongside her grandmother and cousin.

This Lunar New Year was a sad one for Taiwan.

After the earthquake we received help from the Japanese government in the form of monetary and material donations.

Japanese Search and rescue teams arrived in Tainan the day after the quake.

Thank you, Mr. Isa and all of your friends would like to help but because the disaster was not widespread we can manage on our own.

Thank you very much.

Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers make many gaffes and blunders.

2016-03-03 10:00:35 | 悪の政官財


   Kazuya Maruyama, lawmaker of the Liberal Democratic Party, made the statement "He has the blood of black people who were slaves,” about the US President Barack Obama.    He is a stupid lawmaker, he has no dignity.

   The LDP lawmaker Kensuke Miyazaki resigned after admitting to an illicit love affair during his wife's pregnancy.    He is a stupid lawmaker, he has no dignity.

   Aiko Shimajiri, Minister in charge of Okinawa and Northern Territories, could not read the Chinese characters used to write "Habomai" the islets of the Northern Territories.      She is a stupid lawmaker, she is not educated.

    Environment minister Tamayo Marukawa said about the TEPCO Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant, "there is no scientific basis," to the long-term goal of reducing contamination to an annual dose of 1 millisievert as decided after the nuclear accident.      She did not seriously consider the decontamination.

   Economic Recovery Minister Akira Amari has resigned over a money scandal.    He is the chief financial architect of the Liberal Democratic Party.                                 He is a stupid lawmaker.

   Sanae Takaichi, another minister said that the government could order TV stations to stop broadcasting for lacking political fairness.  Radio control is not allowed in any way.

There are a lot of gaffes and blunders that caused embarrassment for the LDP.

Anyway, the Liberal Democratic Party is rotten.

It must be replaced by another Party.

That’s my opinion.

Thank you.