My life


SEIJINSHIKI (The Coming of Age Ceremony).

2018-01-17 01:19:51 | 色々な行事

My granddaughter had a Coming of Age Ceremony this year.

It was held on January 8, 2018.

She wore a kimono, but there were many girls who were not able to wear a kimono because of a kimono rental firm scandal.

Yoichiro Shinozaki of “Hare no hi Co., Ltd.” performed fraud.

His company failed to open some shops on Adult Day and young women were unable to dress up in their kimono.

Shinozaki spoiled the once-in-a-lifetime memory for these girls.

More than 300 million yen in damages was done

Shinozaki has disappeared.

He is a hateful man.

My granddaughter.

That's it.

Happy New Year 2016 !

2016-01-06 23:15:18 | 色々な行事

I look forward to your continued good will in this year.



                          From my house



I usually go to Jindaiji every New Year's Day.

But, this year I went to Inokashira Sarasvati near my house on New Year’s Day.

It is a small shrine but a lot of people have been coming recently.



 The Inokashira Pond is under cleaning.


2015-10-29 23:58:04 | 色々な行事

MISHOP(Mitaka International Society for HOsPitality)

 I went to the 26th Mitaka International Festival.

It was held on the west side of  Inokashira Park on the 4th of October.

A lot of stalls were there.

But even though it is said to be an international festival almost all of the salespersons were Japanese.

I thought it would be international goodwill if people of each nation were there to represent their countries.

That’s it.








About The Tokyo Olympics.

2015-08-01 12:47:46 | 色々な行事

The Tokyo Olympics has a number of stumbling blocks.

First too much money is being spent on it.

Mr. Mori is a stupid person.

About the new National Stadium he has said “ I disliked that style from the outset ”.

We didn’t hear such a thing.

And I think the Tokyo Olympics emblem is akin to the shape and color of the designs that the 「Hay studio」in Barcelona and Mr. Olivier Dubi of Belgian made.

The emblem a combination of the two designs.

The Olympics is the best example of fair play in sports, therefore, I’d like both the IOC and the JOC to be clean and act rightly.

Thank you.