My life


Phantom blue poppy

2019-08-30 16:10:09 | 

The Himalayan blue poppy is called "Blue Poppy" and is also referred to as "Heavenly Fairy" or "Phantom Flower" because of its beautiful flower color.  It is a rare plant native to the Himalayas and the outback of China, and its neighboring areas.  It will be in full bloom in early summer.

Recently it can be seen in Japan.

I have seen it two times at the Hakone Shissei Kaen.

I like flowers with delicate and fluttering petals.

Other examples include Shiraneaoi(Japanese Wood Poppy)(Glaucidium) and Matsumushiso(pincushion flower)(Scabiosa).

           Blue Poppy(Heavenly Fairy)

Shiraneaoi(Japanese Wood Poppy)(Glaucidium)


Matsumushiso(pincushion flower)(Scabiosa)


That's it.

A problem facing Japan

2019-08-21 13:37:02 | Weblog

My concern is about nuclear power.

According to the process chart compiled by the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company, it takes 30 to 40 years from the accident to finish all the decommissioning work at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and it will continue until around 2050.

Fuel debris is estimated to be 880 tons from reactor No. 1 to reactor No. 3, and it is a fact that the concrete route to extract everything has not been seen yet.

Nuclear fuel that has been melted down in the accident continues to generate heat, so it is necessary to inject water and cool the cores, and now contaminated water continues to be an occurrence.

These contaminated waters are purified and stored in huge tanks and stored at the site of the nuclear power plant. The amount is about 1.11 million tons. The number of tanks is about 1000.

As TEPCO is approaching the limit of adding more tanks on the site, how to make a final disposal is an urgent task.

In late February, it became clear from the Unit 2 reactor building that rainwater containing radioactive material had flowed into the sea through the drainage channel. Around May last year, TEPCO did not take sufficient measures and did not announce the leakage, although it was aware that the value in the drainage channel was higher than other survey points. Local fishermen, one by one, criticized the company for "hidden information" and so on, and this led to a situation where the relationship of trust was shaken.

Common sense is that radioactivity does not disappear after hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of years.

Japan is a country with many earthquakes and tsunamis.

I think there is the danger that nuclear power plants will collapse, so I think we should eliminate nuclear power plants.

That’s all.

Walking in the Tama area No.41

2019-08-15 15:15:29 | ウォーキング

This time we walked approximately 7.5km the south side of around Haijima Station (Akishima-shi, Fussa-shi) which prospered as Haijima lodging from the end of the 16th century.

On the 30th of Jun, we walked with seven people with the addition of a new member, my wife's nephew.

He is a professional bassist.

He was dispatched to the Dominican Republic for 7 months as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer from July 24.

We started out from Haijima Station on the Ome Line to the same Station via the KEIMEI GAKUEN(school), the Haijima High School, the Shita-no Kawa(creek), the Dainichi Do(shrine), the Tama River Embankment Boardwalk, the MIzutori Park, the Fussa Minami Park and the Ishikawa Shuzo(sake-brewery).

As usual we had an Uchiage party, this time at the Shoya(pub) near the station.

The number of steps we walked today was 16,991steps.


                                              Haijima Station


         At the Ishikawa Syuzo

                   The uchiage party place at the Izakaya Shoya(pub)








That’s it.