Vino Masa's Wine Blog

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Dried Bonito - Katsuobushi (鰹節)

2014-03-23 | Essay

When many Japanese are drinking decent aged Pinot Noir, possibly other varieties, they are comparing its flavors and taste to KATSUOBUSHI, dried bonito. After getting rid of skins or fatty part of bonito, remaining meat are dried, smoked or fermented for several months. Those meat are finally shaved by plane before use. Katsuobushi is used for various Japanese food but the most common and traditional use is for basis of Japanese soup. It has similar flavour of Darjeeling tea but it also accompanies Umami, a sort of taste more associated with Inosinic Acid. Is Umami independent from other taste? I don't know but it seems hard to replicate by other senses of sweetness, saltiness, bitterness and sourness. If Japanese food are spread to world wide,try traditional Japanese soup at good Japanese restaurant, and find its vibrant flavor. I believe you may agree to describe aged Pinot Noir's flavour and taste as KATSUOBUSHI based soup.


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