Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (56)

2017-05-14 13:10:04 | 日記

  She respected our uniqueness as individuals, thus, she was popular among them all. Any body has their strong point and weak one. Any perfect body doesn't exist. And sometimes, weak point to it was strong point to others.

  And they treated them as equal existance like weeds. Miyuki sometimes failed in front of her, however, she laught at her Big Mistakes, and others, also. A bit different tone, she has, she really thought.  Strange, yes. however, amusing type, yes. And good at reading type, yes. She liked to read also, and Miyuki thought deeply rather than she. And she recognized it, and praised her as usual. She said to her, "You are talented. You are not so respected here in Shirakawa, however, in broader world, you would be qualified rightously." And Miyuki believed it, and always thought to go to Tokyo to study, because at that time, Tokyo is her target to perform well.

  And now, at first, Shirakawa residents are a bit more kinder than Tokyo ones. And now, she got to know that they were replaced by evil existance already. They are all muck, anyway.

  Faked world any more, they called. And Miyuki could listen to a kind of yell of others inside the territory of their family. The voices. Then, they were vanishing and were followed by gymnastic parade like sound, and then baseball training voices came to her ears. Nasty. Again? Hallusion, she got, they thought. And YUKARI wanted to gain some sympathy from Miyuki, and Miyuki got slight headache now.

  Always with headache, now, for them all. YUKARI did it, thus, they should be punished. And even Miyuki????

  Not at all. She did it, and Miyuki protested their wrongdoings yes. Repeated and nasty. Alex suffered a lot at this point. Oh, morning sickness? Yes, he lied a lot, and he should be punished yes. And Miyuki would be scolded by her own way of saying, "Oh, just a slight nasty feeling. You can go to school." Oh, yes. If the school were not so evil, you should go there. I am not so regretful on this point, at all!

  And they failed. They wanted to play with him even in his school days, and he was not in mood. Thus, they chased him, and put some special equipment to chase him. And he was an object of attention in his school. He liked to play with these evil stupid fellows, however, he has a limit as a human being.

  "You should sleep well Alex. Sleeping is necessary for you to grow up. As your parent, I order you to sleep sufficiently." She is insitent at this point, because she slept well type. And she didn't know their system at all. Alex resisted her at max, and he did wrond as always. And she thought that this is a chance to educate him and also me by way of debate.

  And he took advantage of being a son of versity professor. He is good at debating anyway. Because DDMs don't know any technic at all. And he tried to use the skill against Miyuki, and failed many times. And he is persistent and failed.

  Anyway, she is a professiona type. Not like me, amature type...he really agrees at this point.

  For sure, yes, of course, they liked to say to him, and then, abrupt change. And then, declaration of their own qualification. Why they like to contempt me?, was Alex's impression on them all. Miyuki didn't understand the rule at all. However, why the kinkiness of his parent would be the reason of his punishment???

  Always, without any motif, they did it as usual. This is my table, YUKARI declared, and her evil mother followed. And they gained the table. OK, as you like. And then, they did in every field of their own house.

  And sometimes, they abandon their own courtyard abruptly. Why not? Her father thought of her sudden change. And got to know that his wife were already replaced by some DDM, yes.

  And now, harsher type came. And she didn't know the system of us all. this, she failed a lot. and she is dangerous. Thus, two altogether is the best policy. They would accept their kind offer, probably. And they are in mood of moving.

  Oh, and Miyuki sighed a bit. Long long war inside the house. Why she doesn't respect our right and freedom at all?, Clare cried repeatedly, and after her crying, accusation against Miyuki as always. Miyuki is your wrongdoer, not YUKARI. She wanted to behave like your mother, Clare. Just it. Please forgive her this time, only once. I would buy you some good one, pretty girl? I want to hug you, Clare!

  And Clare refused her KIND offer. Like erotic old guy, she is! They both thought of. Thus they failed. Her dearest grand mother passed away, probably. And they just used her skin bag taking advantage of her death. She was killed by them, probably, and they concealed the fact, and continued to do their wrongdoing with the assistance of YUKARI.

  Some day, kind, some day not. Why she changes so swiftly? Some headache causes her to change so? To avoid her nasty feeling she behaves like srronger???

  For Miyuki, any excuse no more. She was promissive for us all, however, failed. She participated into our enemy's side. And failed again and again, with lots of shames. Forgery, she allowed, was their deep sigh.

  She said that she didn't know it, as if it were the new information in her life. Oh, domestic concealed in her own house type, she is??? Oh, she is new to this old way???

  They really sighed when she declared that "Miyuki should get up at 6:00 in the morning to warm up a cup of milk to her dearest son, to prove her maternity." Miyuki refused it, saying, it is your preference, not mine. And I am his parent, and you are just a grand mother. you have no right to get me oblige to do so.

  And she wanted to call her police as soon as possible in panic. Why?, Miyuki felt so strange. however, for her too too natural like attitude at all.

  Miyuki stopped to make an errand for her, yes. Because it was done by her own kindness. however, she took it as a kind of obligation now. Kindness was required for her treatment like attitude, and always declaration like YUKARI's. And now, they are the same existance. They used the name of maternity to satisfy thier own desire. Fatal to Miyuki. In the same chamber, she should sleep for a while.

  For her, too too natural, substancially, however, for others not at all, Miyuki remembered her kinkiest remarks since she was a child. A kind of always indulged by her own protector type, she was. And for YUKARI, she is a dream girl, who could get a husband anyway. Thus, superior and inferior, they are. And for them, monitoring others is their own business now.

  Thus, we want to get out of this nasty house. however, even now, we are not so safe outside yes. thus, we are obliged to stay here, indifferent from our special situation. Thus, I write legal letters for us all, and especially for our family, genuine one.

  This is not my place, they really think so. however, to where? Miyuki is the most promissive among them to gain the site and the jobs, they thought. Anyway, she is prepared for any jobs, withing the inside. And now, she could not gain any job at all. And they always threaten her to have a stable job, indifferent from their own jobless situation.

  They treat me like as a "Bad Nasty non promissive guy in the family", Miyuki sighed as always, smiling sadly. This is japanese OYAJI, Miyuki really felt so.

  Miyuki tried to get her mother to learn to respect others, however, she couldn't. She looked to try it, however, failed, and now, she turned to be YUKARI. Sly smiling in case of Miyuki's danger, attacked by YUKARI, was the same as Kouichi YOSHIDA, now Miyuki really thought.

  Unfortunately, BINGO!, Miyuki, this time also. She passed the limit. She tried yes, however, she couldn't. And turned to the casual mode. Too too harsh for others yes. YUKARI is her second version, more violent one.

  Miyuki is hungry now. She shoud make some errand now.

  See you soon, our army! From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so cruel and ugly!!!!

 Miyuki came back from her milk buying errond, and a package of 12 or one douse of eggs costs 2 times more than in Hachioji. Oh, egg was here in Shirakawa, the inferior pupil in a school.

  She learned by her adorable teacher responsible that egg is the suprior pupil in the price index. And the price is in fact as the same, generally speaking. Always one packege of 12 eggs was US$1. And now, US$2. And she gave up to buy it.

  And then, she got to know that today there are many IKKYO families in the supermarket in YOKOMACHI, and they came here without their automobiles. Why?

  They were forced to walk anyway. They were patients in the difficult disease. Oh, for insurance, they faked? And the evilest one, Miyuki would know it. She did it, for herself, to his challenged brother, to save her own family.

  Pushed him out of the window, they yelled, and she did it without saying anything. And she was so cold to do so. She doesn't chage her face, was other's her mates' comment on her. Oh, YOKOYAMA was in the class beside her. And she has a bigger brother, a challenged. He was said that he fell from the second floor, and was saved, and with handicapped body, he got.

  however, in fact, he was intentionally killed by her and her evil family because of his challenged situation. Oh, he is challenged, however, big, and broad shoulder, he has, she thought when she met him. Not so promissive, however, he was playing with his mates. And she failed. She did it, because of her own family.

  In Shirakawa, wood probiding families meant rich ones. And YUKOYAMA was one of them. And Miyuki remembered her stern face, with instable decisive manner. Now promissive one, and not at all of study material type. however, teachers treated her so nace. Why? Probably, she is rich, Miyuki thought.

  However, not only for the reason. She was accustomed to do so. She was a promissive in this direction. She was so decisive at this point. And she targetted Miyuki as her attacking as always. Oh, I almost has been out of mind on her, at all!

  She was not my rival at all, Miyuki really thought. And Miyuki failed sometimes. She did it, as YUKARI liked to do.

  Many Miyuki's ex-mates did it, as they liked. They got married for it. And they fell in love with others, and killed their own family members????

  They were cut their communication with others, and got forced to get married with some of the candidates the others chose for them all, and they obeyed them, anyway. And after, they gave a birth to their babies. And then, they fell in love with others. yes, sometimes happens type falling in love stories, I know well through Brazilian Dramas.

  And then, they were forced to be killed???? Just changing their husband, is enough for them all. And they should kill all of the communication with their own families, including kids. Why? They wanted to do so???

  Separation is the best way, yes. However, they didn't want to do so. And the judiciary didn't function at all.

Thus, they left their homes. Good choice. And they were forced to come back home???

  They wanted to save their own families, however, no families at all, thus, they put some notes on their home, and left them again. Oh, Mr.Fujita did the same. And they did also. However, IKKYO belivers took them off as they liked, and abused their property. Empty houses should be used by others, without their accordance, the prefectural office said to them all. Oh, illegitimate, as always. Probably, the evil officers were oriented by Todai Administrative Law wrongdoers, especially Hiroshi SHIONO.

  And he failed several times, and his skin bag was used by others. IKKYO like life, he enjoyed in his school days. Not so promissive, except remembering figures. Oh, "Stupid boy memorizes only one thing as usual" type. YUKARI was it, when she was a school girl.

  And SHIONO liked YUKARI, and they got combined, and did wrong as she liked. Forgery, we call it, and Shiono allowed her to do so. Oh, illegitemate faked authority has no rightous effect at all. Probably, SHINO was inferior student on Civil Law I in his versity days. I was one of not promissive, however, my grade was B, and which grade he gained???

  Oh, A??? Thus, his civil law professor made a big effort. he was not so promissive at the material. Any ilegitimate ocupation is not recognized as rightous effective act at all. Just crime called 不動産侵奪罪 or Abruption of real estate. Do you know it, Shiono? Oh, he was not promissive on criminal law, either! My grade was probably C or B. And you, Shiono?

  Oh, A, again? I took C or B because I didn't have a class except once or twice. And you Shiono? How many times, you participated in the class of criminal law? Oh, anything??? Oh, you are good at the material, aren't you?

  Yes, however, I don't remember the term. Term is not important for us all. The meaning. Significance. Do you know the meaning of 不動産侵奪罪? Explain me in your own way, Shiono!

  And he failed. Miyuki's title of supposed crime should be the same, however, the name was "Intrudion to the private house". And they got confused totally. And Miyuki pointed at that time exactly on the matter.

  IP tower is Commercial Shopping Mall, and I was in the public corner, alone, and did only my writing on my PC, watching through window, calm, speaking not at all. However, they caught me under the name of the above crime. Why?

 Miyuki got upset, when the clerks said to her, "Oh, you insist your own human right, however, we have our own human right. Thus you failed." And she started to explain the difference between constitutional human rights and ilegitimate desire. And they refused to know it, and they threatened her to call the police. Why they could call the police?, Miyuki really got in wonder. They only disliked her, because she already knew that they were illegal occupation activity performers. And now, she is the most legitimate power holders of our army. And they caught her, and put her in their own jail. And then, she was planed to be killed in HASEGAWA Hospital.

  They tried to shot her again and again, threatning as much as possible, and they passed beyond the limit. They sacrificed the lady with colorful leggins and hats, singing always with her perfect memory. Why she was there? She is absolutely normal, and she looks like me. And she seemed well with the leggins. For me, a kind of intimate wears. however, she could wear them as they should be type way. And she probably lost her life there.

  Piano was there, and anyway used it at that time, thus Miyuki used it as her writing desk. And when someone comes to play, she conseded her place to them without exception, because piano is for playing the music.

  Thus, Miyuki conceded the place to her, abruptly. And after she started to play, some sound of noise, like a metalic tool dropped into inside the piano from the opened door, and abruptly the sound stopped, and then, several staff dashed to the piano, and the sound of struggle, and then, any news on her. Her room got vacant.

  She was put in a private room, with the locked door all day and then, in some determined period, she could get out of the room, thus, she could walk on a long corredor, singing or wispering on her own favorite medreis. Why she wanted to take my place to play some music abruptly.

  According to the hospital's instruction, someone who wanted to use it should make a reservation at 10:00. And she didn't do it. She didn't know the system, yes. She was new there, and they didn't get her to know it.

  Probably, someone claimed her activity, and wanted to kill her there. And they had a mad dog for it. The same mate is the best, however, in Miyuki's case, any problem happened with her mate, an old lady.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (55)

2017-05-14 10:03:03 | 日記

14/05/2017 (Sunday, morning) It is cloudy today. Miyuki has a slight headache this morning, and ate a bowlful of oat meal with boiled milk, and a half cup of caffe au lait. She took an early morning walk arround three public schools.

  Oh, IKKYO believers do faked jobs early in the morning!, Miyuki got to recognize it. Near her house, at 7:30, there was a sound of many pupils were playing in the courtyard. At 8:30, she found that only one pair was doing catch and ball, as if they were the beginners of this play. IKKYO faked family, confirmed. Old man with young one, adult. And their kids were out of the play. Just faking as figures type rough way of faked job, they are doing now, Miyuki deeply got impressed.

  Then, from where, the voice came? Thus, Miyuki started her detective jobs. Even only in YAOYA-CHO block, there were lots of evil faked figures related to IKKYO. Why abruptly, on Sunday, after golden week? Too too evident the reason is. They are called to came to fake us. Strange immedite change of this rural town, from no man's land to populous urbanized town like SAITAMA, vice center of Metropolitan Area. They confused Shirakawa with Saitama? And living cost in the former is less than Saitama, they thought, and moved from the latter to the former????

  And Miyuki found the site of the sound source of Sunday morning. Shirakawa Chuo Junior high. The IKKYO boys played the role of Baseball Club members, however, their way of cathing was worse than Miyuki's. As you know well, she is one of the worst catcher in the world. however, they were worse!!! She really thought, I could be a promissive pitcher, Ace, among them, and she showed contemptious poses in front of them. Saturday Night Fever of John Travolta!!! And laught at their least abilities. Probably, their body would be sticky, not flexible at all. Thus, they are fated to die earlier than us.

  Muscle Power Jistrophy patients should participate in the game, probably. They were born with the disease artificially put in their gene, when they were fatus, on behalf of their life time insurance. They were asked to do so, and agreed to be. They wanted to live a short reluctant nasty life rather than active healthy life.

  Thus, they should be in bed, however, the bosses ordered them to participate in the evil game to torture Miyuki, for the sake of their greedy desire.

  Miyuki wrote to her friend Bianca, a ex-immate of Tokyo Bay Detention, as if she were in custody among the evilest medical staff in the kinky mental health hospital called HASEGAWA Hospital. Total isolation from any relevant information was already done there, and after discharge, she was isolated in her original town called Shirakawa.

  She tried to get out from the rural town, seeking a good place and a site suitable for her, however, any versity in the world accepted her kind offer. Living cost and a slight luxuary is enough for me, and I can work more than any versity staff in your versity, she assured. And she was monitored by everyone in the Shirakawa Town. She was not free from any secand from their monitoring system. From 0:00 to 24:00 system, they adopted. And why? They couldn't explain her at all. Just the system changed, they said. Why, when, how?, she asked, however, anyone responded at all.

  And they are vanishing sudddenly, yes. For us all, this is a lucky information. And for them all, not so much. They did downward face, as usual. Nasty, not good for us type expression entirely.

  And she got to know that in this Shirakawa, the situation is worse than other rural towns, in which her ex-mates of Platinum Dormitory live. She can't take enough foods, they really thought. You should put only one extra milk here, her evil mother ordered to her. Thus, she should get out every two days, because of buying milk, at least. And also her mother claimed her, "Your foods ocupie our frege so much. You should collect your foods in the tiny limited place in fredge. OK, I did, she responded, because she is now obliged to sleep under the mother's feet. And her mother likes to sleep in the bed, in the higher place than she. It means "I am superior to you." And she got upset at her doctral degree holder related remarks. Thus, she didn't refer to any more, and should learn her domestic skills, and they are now superior to her mother's ones.

  And now, disaster. Her mother got to revealed that she is the evil existance itself. She hated to stay with her supeiror, and wanted to live with her inferiors. This, she chose Alex and Clare as her mates, and both of them refused to be so. Her only inferior is YUKARI, the mad dog like junky, and she prefers to live with this junky YUKARI rather than Miyuki, thus, she protected YUKARI, and takes advantage of her violence to attack athers. YUKARI is some kind of her legs, metapholically saying.

 Oh, kind girl type turned to be an indulged faked MICCHIKU DDM, yes. Now the atomosphare changed, Miyuki really thought. Her mother has smart phone, now. Miyuki heard the phone call of xyraphone, which represents the arrival of the message. Oh, you sold your spirit already at the cost of the cheapest value, and chose the easier life with your mad dog, probably.

  And they all fell down. Miyuki got upset at her, not her own mission????

  She should do so, anyway. And she likes to imagin every situation, thus she does as always. And she doesn't rely on anyone, exept her real friends. Quarted is her closest friends, yes, and her supporters yes, and Gods of Justice, yes. however, the rest? I don't know. They are individual existance, and they are in the hands of Gods of Justice. Thus, they themselves took care of themselves. Not I. I am busy anyway.

  And they all fell down. The sound is produced in some place or in a virtual world, or innmer world, she got to realize it also. And she is targetted to be killed by others, especially who got contempted by thier own stupidity and got upset to the figure which had pointed the reality to them. Easily, like impulse response, they took a phone to order a squad to kill the targetted ones. Terrible, however, Alzheimer patients have no pacience at all. And they forget the important decision immediately, as always. Thus, they called, and the squads did, ans sometimes they failed, and thus they are escaped form death, anyway.

  Probably many supeirors orederd them to kill her, thus, she is always surrounded by the snypers, she got to know the system. Easy calling, they did call it. and they do it twice, three times and so on. And it is not counted as a success. And IKKYO believers are totalitarians, thus they can change their members. Thus, all squads system, they adopt now.

  Thus, they use the system in a whole. Why today Shirakawa is populous unnecessarily?m was her first impression. And cloudy and cold. Symbol of MONOLIS. They came from this evil cloud like muck. No skin bag so much, thus, their roles were played wrongly, she deeply thought indeed. Why middle aged son did catch with his faked father?, Miyuki got astonished. They voices were the kids, however, only adults did it. Starange fenomenum. And earlier than watching them, she heard other sound like gymnastic festival marching. Probably they use the sound illusion system again, she really felt.

  And she remembered, first Sunday is the gymnastic festival of Shirakawa Primary School I, and second is for II, and the third is for III. Thus, not III's marching day.

  And then, in junior high, she watched the bad training scene of faked baseball team, and got to hear the lesson of some brass musical instruments, and then, she found that the Gymnastic hall III is located really in the campus of Junior High. Thus, the the graduation ceremony were held there and in another hall. Double, triple facilities were used for one ceremony unnecessarily.

  Spooky and crazy, because this rural town is suffering from Alzheimer disease, probably. Like Tokyo, OOMIYA, YOKOHAMA, and KAWAGOE and so on. Almost all of the towns all over Japan are the same, probably. And IKKYO believers could shift under their prohibbited conducts' instruction.

  I am not your inferior, Clare declared to the both, YUKARI and her mother. And she was caught and at least was forced to injure her foot. Disaster, Miyuki would get terrified, they thought. however, for her, not at all. Just a slight blue mark. Yes, it pains well, however, not so much. I had several already.

  And they were revealed to be bag skins. Every day, they changed their opinions, including on their favorite foods. For Miyuki, astonishing. However, for others, as usual. They are just flamboyant minded, thus, they were caught by their own religious leader, probably, they predected their fate already.

  And Miyuki should know the reason. They wanted to live in Tokyo, yes. And they did so, already. Oh, well. And now, they came back unnecessarily to monitor their family???

  For them all, OBON-GAERI was common, and it was nasty to us all. Muck, they are. They used the diseaced's skin bags, and they were killed because of it. And they took the place of them, to play the role of the diseaced ones. Oh, probably right to say so. Alzheimer patients forget their own life, and their affection to others, including their own memories, and just love themselves, thus ego-centric, Miyuki really thinks so.

  Attacking her on the weakest point. It would be her own family, they presumed, and did it. And Miyuki is free from their presumption. Imagination, she has, and she did know well on each other, and they can't do more than it. No alternative at all these prisoners in the planet. Muck should get away from out beautiful universe, any muck, her own family, of course, included!!!!

  If my family were muck, they would be pusnished harsher than others, because they know at least who am I, and our side is rightous one. Nevertheless, they chose the way. Thus, they should be punished harder than in the usual way.

  This is the rule. Apes were praising her audacious attempt to live here in our own universe. Why they collect the trash, expecially paper boxes, in collective? They explained to contribute to the public schools which their kids belonged to. However, not at all! Just they wanted to earn money by way of other's kindness. And collecting pet bottles, their taps, separatedly, of course. All collecting jobs were contributed to them.

  Miyuki knows at this point well. Oh, Kouichi YOSHIDA did it. Charity, he explained, and ordered to make a bank to them, and MIYUKI's bamboo one, made by her own father was praised by him, because of his own Japanologic taste, probably. And we contributed some money and he said that he donated to some orphan called SHIRAKAWA SCHOOL.

  The same thing we did in winter. Collecting dried up orange peels and tea leaves. He explained to feed White Swans in the big pond. The kids were not brought to the pond at all. They said, we were praised by our kind activities.

  They always do it. In Kyorin campus, smoking in a limited area was their order. They set some messy equipment for smoking. And outside, they should not smoke at all. And HARADA was liking to warn the pupils, picking up the nearest abandoned used cigarette, "Don't smoke outside the determinated area!", in a loud voice, with threatening. And they should obey her, at least in front of her.

  And she herself smokes, according to her, in the prohibitted place. for themselves, no taboo at all, and for others, strict rules should be applied like attitudes, here and there.

  Kiwamu FUJIWARA faked their collecting trash job with his team of the favorite pupils. They collected the trash in the pond of INOGASHIRA Park, once every month at least, according to the versity. They faked to be kind. And thus, they should be punished harsher than others.

  Sticky feeling inside their body yes, however, for us, not at all. Muck is sticking now. Thus, they are in the team. Their body should be collected immediately before others recognize it, or, they vanish.

  Oh, I have already seen sticky scene, and the bodies. They collected them like trash.

  Sticky skin is not needed. Only flexible one, they wanted. And some of them sold it by their most highest price. And they laught at their victory. Their own families sold their skin bags, yes!!!!

  And they were trapped to do so. For Miyuki's sake, they said so as usual. And they confirmed that Miyuki is free from this case at all. And each one should pledge their cleaness. And now, YUKARI did it again. She already pledged her cleaness, and she is not reliable at all. Why did you ask her such a stupid thing? She is always doing wrong type. Unnecessarily to say, type. And Again, Auntie?

  Always, when Miyuki makes stewed beans, it happened. And today, nasty feeling, cold cloud, headache. Why, always they are combined all together???

  Sometimes happens as coincedence. however, so frequently??? Since she started to make DANGO in March, this fenomenum repeated in her house.

  And Miyuki recognized that always on the top of the big pressure pan, there are thin layer of white powder dust. Why so oftern? Always after YUKARI uses something, the place gets this type of dust. Miyuki brushed up the top, one week ago. And already white powder again. Why??? Cocaine??? Or some different type of chemical products?

  Only a bit is enough to stop her step, they told her, and gave her for free. And she used it once a while to lynch her. From inside, she should be broken, they ordered her again, by way of impulse. Again, Auntie? Miyuki doesn't look good today. Like old guy like fashion she does, they got to know it. Nasty face. Why today? Yesterday, already a bit, yes. However, not so much, and prediction. And she stewed it the day before yesterday, started to eat yesterday.

  The same thing happened when she drank a bit of white wine in the end of year in 2016, and ate white cheese. Ih, this Seven-Eleven wine is not suitable for me, Miyuki thought. And she put it in her cram shell soup, and the taste would be fantastic. Exactly she ate in her house in FUNABASHI, when she was an infant and child.

  The same type, filled with ORTININ. yes, cram soup is tasty, however, the flavour is a bit superficial, Miyuki thought when she drank her result before. However, the cram soup was different. The same sea like flavour inside her mouth, and this is the taste, Miyuki deeply got to know it.

  And now, why she got so often to feel nasty with her own stewed read beans??? And this is the fact. YUKARI did it as usual, and she tried to do so for several times, and only Miyuki ate it, because she paid for the ingredients and wasted energy and time to make it. Why not?

  YUKARI's jealousy is so strong, and she is vanishing now. Chemical YUKARI, she was called herself, and she was mentally ill, yes. And now, all of them were free from the suspetion. YUKARI did it again. She always does it after her night walking. On the moon shining night, she came back late. Soon after Miyuki, at 20:00.

  And one week earlier, she received something under the name of Alex, in the courtyard in front of backhouse, from her mate like DDMic YAMATO faked delivery service woman. Her father attended her at first, and she said, "To AKI, at the exchange of his money." And YUKARI dashed into her, and paid some money, and received it.

  Probably, this is the system. She bought COCAINE to trap us all, to make Miyuki's COCAINE user suspect, and they all fell down! ♫🎶

 And Miyuki got nasty feeling and wants to drink milk. Thus, she has to get out now a bit. Anyway, cafe au lait, she wants to have it some.

  When IKKYO believers come, YUKARI got nervous, and she did wrong, as usual, and Miyuki got slight nasty, as usual. Why they blame MIYUKI because of her being bed, Clare did think so. Alex accused her, especially. Miyuki is idol, thus, she is in bed like remarks everywhere. And he was trapped already. Just nasty is not so bad for her, and we should survive by her money, thus a bit she should be punished, and we couldn't kill her, is their boss's advice to her, YUKARI. And she did it according to the instruction. And she got nervous. And she couldn't sleep now, because she should not lie down during days. She can use only at hight, and she is accused by her concentration on her work, free from her divine duty as mother!!!!

  Their contradictions were for us all, Japanese working mothers. I am being proud of myself, Miyuki said, and she prased her own body. Why not? And this is the prohibittion mong them. My body is beautiful, because I make effort to be kind to others. This is her killer frase. And they were killed by this reason. Why not???

  Too too natural for her, and not for DDMs. Jealous, anyway. They should not be prittier than I type DDMs are here and there. And they sold their spirit easily. Kindness is related wo much with the beauty.

  And now the fact. Miyuki should know her limit. And she is smiling now getting know her result. She found a lot of new fact and principles, and apes like her so much. Anyway, she is quick to learn their skills.

 Probably, Katsumi wanted to say that Miyuki was a kind of male, genuine type for him, thus, he said, "I like Miyuki rather than other girls. " For her, astonishing declaration. They were  kind of chaser and chased. Amusing at the same time nasty type. Always Miyuki, Katsumi and Takafumi were the same class, since they entered to Shirakawa III. For 6 years, completely.

  Takafumi is a tiny guy, with good gymnastic skills, and indifferent from any cram study materials. Thus, his grade is Marching Band, namely, 1,2,1,2,1,2,... And he got 2 also in his favorite and promissive subject namely gynastics.

  Miyuki got the same 2, on the same subject. She was the real mess in this material. The same. For her, a kind of apple polishing, and for him, disaster. In the bottom of the class, she was in this subject. And Takafumi, in the top class, however, he was short, thus, a bit handicapped yes.

  Takafumi likes Charly Brown, she remembered. Round head, he had. Tiny, and balanced body, yes. Short, but good in the total appearance, like a white spider monky. Quck in movement, however, totally not in his class room activities.

  Probably, they are all outside type, and Miyuki was put in an eternal jail called versity. Thus they failed. She was promissive, they all thought. And she agreed in a half. Better than any DDMs, yes, however, as the result, I and Takafumi are probably at the same level, yes.

  Oh, U2!, type shocking confession between them. Why they are so cruel?, was their common question. Why they could kill others so easily for their own ego-centric kinkiest cruelest sexual desire? They are already dead like King Ra or 羅王 in God Hand HOKUTO. And KISE-NO-SATO or 稀勢の里, a Japanese wresling power holder's favorite gained the champion belt with this KING RA! Dying message?, Myuki thought. "I am already in INFERNO", it meant probably.

  And they all fell down!♫🎶

 Miyuki thought so cool to deduce her original hypothesis, and got to know that they really want to kill her, because of their own desire. And for them, nothing at all type ordinary scene, probably.

  For Miyuki, odd scene, however, for them, one example of another wrongdoing. And Miyuki should be punished anyway, because of her complete cold attitude toward her kids???

  For them, strangiest to think that just a slight injury would not be a cause of absency of the class. Just a kind of consideration would be needed, and it was enough. And they sold their spirit, already yes.

  They are not satisified with their own situation, yes. And this is their ordial, Miyuki believed it. And they failed all in once. And Miyuki should be totally right to do so. Any DDMs, even in the house, or rather, especially ones in the house, should be punished harshly. Vanishing, yes, of course. And shames, of course!!!

  They allow forgery, was for Miyuki, slight shocking declaration from the criminals. And she was in the side. And she is not the kind of figure, I get along with, even we were mates in the same class. Thus, she was a kind of Takafumi, for them all.

 And Miyuki disliked her way of not respecting other's intention at all behaviours. Anyway, your chamber, boss, type attitude to her. And she relied on YUKARI deeply. YUKARI is a cocain user, and she was allowed to live here in the same house, and she provided her own meals usuall to themselves.

  Miyuki got upset with her violence, and way of abusing electricity, time consuming domestic working, occupation in the kitchen. And she enhanced her mode, as she liked. Why she is so strongly respected by them all?, was her basic question. She forged Miyuki's will as usual, thus, she was wrongdoer, they really thought. Always she thought, "Oh, if she were here, she would say..." however, if they were common people, they would not have believed her remarks at all. They already lost their sane mind, probably.

  Moraly degraded, they all, probably. And now, ordial and revenge. They shoud be punished so hard because of their false sympathy system.

  Miyuki was thrilled by them by her atomic bomb power, probably. She could kill us, however, she is rightous one, thus, if they were good, she would not do so. However, if they were faked kind ones, she should kille them at once!!!

  yes, of course. This is the reality. Thus, they couldn't eat her crackers. The kids also sold their spirits already. And they tried to persuade her to be their evil side. And they failed. Thus, they should be punished harshly.

  YUKARI is the evilest one among them, and the others, also. Thus, they faked a lot, and concealed the faces from her even after the system change, pretending that nothing is happening at least arround her.

  And Miyuki is too too right to say so. Suspicious, and if I needed, I must do so, type attitude. yes, we should survive anyway. Weeds are so strong to do our job. They should be weeds, like us all!!!

  Weeds, their teacher responsible said to them. "You should be WEEDS, because they are so strong to grow up after they were stepped on." And they liked her remark on weed.

  She was an old lean gymnastic teacher when they were in the 3 and 4th grades in Shirakawa III. And she was popular among her class mates. Every one liked her, except none.